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制弓作坊允许训练基本的远程部队。Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.

伯明翰城的中场球员李鲍耶自信他将很快结束目前的进球荒。Birmingham City midfielder Lee Bowyer is confident he will end his current goal drought soon.

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纽卡斯尔阵中的尼基-巴特、朗-戴尔、比-埃里奥特、龙-休斯和里-鲍耶因伤可能缺阵。Newcastle are likely to be without the injured Nicky Butt, Kieron Dyer, Robbie Elliott, Aaron Hughes and Lee Bowyer.

第38分钟,曼努埃尔在在塞巴斯蒂安·拉尔森的施压下补救高球脱手,鲍耶凌空抽射命中。Mannone dropped a high ball under pressure from Sebastian Larsson and Bowyer volleyed into the net in the 38th minute.

我曾希望暴耶来,但是最近我才意识到像他这样的球员能为我们伟大的俱乐部带来什么。I was wanting Bowyer to come, but recently I've realised just what that sort of mercenry type player could to to our beautiful club.

纽卡两名球员代尔和保业因为在主场3-0大败给维拉的比赛中大大出手被双双罚出场外。Newcastle pair Kieron Dyer and Lee Bowyer were sent off in disgrace for fighting during their side's 3-0 home defeat against Aston Villa.

就在球队最危难的时候,鲍耶表现出了非常好的竞技状态,这对他自己和纽卡斯尔来说,来得太是时候了。Easily his best performance in a black and white shirt may just have come at a very opportune time for both Lee Bowyer and Newcastle United.

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现在所有的桌面三维打印软件均源自一个名叫RepRap的项目,该项目是英国巴斯大学的艾德里安·波耶教授及其同事开发的。The grandaddy of all desktop 3D-printers is the open-source RepRap project conceived in 2005 by Adrian Bowyer and colleagues at the University of Bath, in Britain.

随着索拉诺的离去,而鲍耶和安布罗斯两人又不能很好的填补这个空缺,所以纽卡斯尔的右路出现了一个很大的问题。Newcastle have a problem position on the right side of midfield, with both Lee Bowyer and Darren Ambrose so far failing to fill the boots of the departed Nolberto Solano.

斧头帮在这场比赛中十分积极,李·鲍耶斯佩特在球场边路很活跃,斯佩特也曾头球攻门可惜高出门楣。The Hammers had made a positive start to the game, Lee Bowyer could have made more of an effort from the edge of the box and Jonathan Spector saw a long-range header sail over the bar.