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但是他的预后诊断并不确定。But his prognosis was uncertain.

欧洲市场情况不明。The European market is uncertain.

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他的身高体重不得而知。His height and weight are uncertain.

他敢不敢试还不确定。It is uncertain whether he dare try.

这件事搞得他心神不定。This matter made him feel uncertain.

一时间中村功生死未卜。Time is life and death is uncertain.

但是拉阿巴斯先生的前途并不确定。But Mr. Abas's chances are uncertain.

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成不成没准儿。The chances of success are uncertain.

那个不知叫什么的东西膨胀得更大了。That uncertain thing was swelled bigger.

这两个市场的前景并不明朗。The outlook for both markets is uncertain.

脑膜瘤的组织发生学还有争论。The histogenesis of meningioma is uncertain.

此事还未见分晓。The outcome of the matter is still uncertain.

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可是现在,科尔多夫斯基说,简直是前途难料。Now, says Koldowski, the outlook is uncertain.

我爽爽快快地把我的想法告诉了他。I told him what I thought in no uncertain terms.

不确定的是它将以怎样的形式出现。What's uncertain is precisely how it will emerge.

他显出犹豫不决的样子。老吴趁势加大压力。He looked uncertain. Lao Wu pressed his advantage.

但是,高具有多大的自主权仍然不得而知。But just how much autonomy Mr Gao has is uncertain.

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孩子肯定使人操心,但纷歧定带来安慰。Children are certain cares, but uncertain comforts.

当夜幕降临时,我们似乎面对一个不确定的未来。As dusk fell, we seemed to face an uncertain future.

他认为,可以借用五爷的狗来为莫测治病。Can I borrow the wuye dog, he thought, for uncertain.