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我与他一度同在一艘拖网船上工作。He and i were shipmates on a trawler once.

第四架飞机在一艘荷兰拖网渔船旁迫降。He and i were shipmates on a trawler once.

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渔船在码头卸下的一箱箱冷冻海鱼。A fishing trawler unloads crates of frozen fish.

海鸥飞过法国拖网渔船克勒什号,爱尔兰,1984年。IRELAND—Seagulls fly past the French trawler Koros, 1984.

于是在第二天,那艘潜艇被一艘渔船拖曳到冰岛。The next day the u-boat was towed by a trawler to iceland.

这是该艘前英国渔船告别巡航亚洲行的谢幕演出。It is the swansong of this former British fishing trawler on her farewell tour of Asia.

而且就算在拖船这档子事儿之前,中国还展示了自己要将垄断发挥到极致的意图。And even before the trawler incident, China showed itself willing to exploit that monopoly to the fullest.

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取而代之的是一条锈迹斑斑的拖网渔船,活像只一条腿歪在地上的杂种狗。Instead, a rusty trawler lies on its side on the forecourt, which the workmen eye as though a mongrel dog.

所有商业渔船都该是像那六十英尺钢板拖捞船的样子但是很少能做到。The sixty-foot steel- hulled trawler was what all commercial fishing boats ought to look like but seldom did.

在更深的海域,文物的主要威胁是那些能够进入文物区并破坏人工物品的拖捞捕鱼船。In deeper waters, the main threat to antiquities is trawler fishing, which disturbs sites and damages artifacts.

9月7日在钓鱼岛附近,中国拖网渔船和两艘日本海岸护卫队巡逻船相撞后,日本逮捕了该船全体船员并扣留了该船。The trawler and crew were seized after the boat collided with the two Coast Guard vessels on Sept. 7 near the islands.

两天以后,一艘悬挂台湾旗的拖网渔船和29名船员在塞舌尔群岛的丹尼斯岛附近水域被劫持。Two days later, a Taiwan-flagged fishing trawler with 29 men aboard was taken in waters near Denis Island in the Seychelles.

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被挟持的中国水手蹲在枪口下的新闻图片提供了一个难以抗拒的理由。Press photos of Chinese mariners squatting at gunpoint on their hijacked trawler provided an incentive that was hard to resist.

在9月9号,中国宣布对詹的逮捕是“无效的”,并警告这可能严重影响两国的关系。On Sept. 9, China called the seizure of Zhan's trawler "absurd, " warning it could adversely affect ties between the two nations.

在稍早些时候他重申,日本拒绝中国提出的赔偿要求和向被扣押的拖网渔船道歉。He earlier reiterated the government’s rejection of Chinese demands for reparations and an apology for the seizure of the trawler.

2010年9月,日中两国卷入冲突,一艘中国拖网渔船撞上了日本海岸警卫队的一艘舰船。Japan bore the brunt of Chinese belligerence in September 2010, when a Chinese fishing trawler rammed one of its coast guard boats.

据日方报道,拖网渔船随后冲撞两艘日本巡逻船,引发海上追逐,最后导致船长被捕。According to Japanese reports, the trawler then rammed two Japanese patrol boats, triggering a naval chase and the captain’s arrest.

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短片中的这艘中国拖网渔船,是9月一起事件的焦点——该事件使得中日关系降至2005年以来的冰点。The featured Chinese trawler is at the centre of a September incident that brought Sino-Japanese relations to their lowest point since 2005.

据新华社报道,中国渔船船长詹其雄于周六凌晨乘包机安全抵达福建省福州市。The Chinese trawler captain Zhan Qixiong arrived safely in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, early Saturday morning by a chartered plane, Xinhua reported.

船上有30名海员的150吨级军舰在星期三晚间与一拖捞船相撞时,正在执行常规任务,一名海军发言人说。The 150-ton naval ship with 30 sailors aboard had been on a routine mission when it collided with a trawler late Wednesday, a navy spokesman said.