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一个手工削成的玩具船。Whittle a toy boat.

别把木棍削成短的棍。Don't whittle the stick into a short one.

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另外一些削减银行的办法是值得考虑的。Other ways to whittle down banks are thinkable.

不要把自己削减成单一的脚本。Don't whittle yourself down to a simple footnote.

“我们确实看到了声波,”惠特尔说。"We are actually seeing the sound waves, " Whittle said.

惠特尔将告诉你,他的项目不会有背新的科学基础。Whittle will tell you that his project breaks no new scientific ground.

真正有福气的人是这个听到许多温柔的声音叫他爸爸的那个人!Blessed indeed is the man which Listens lot gentle sounds whittle he daddy!

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“通过倾听,你能够判断宇宙的结构,”惠特尔说。"By listening to the universe, you can figure out its structure," Whittle said.

“通过倾听,你能够判断宇宙的结构,”惠特尔说。"By listening to the universe, you can figure out its structure, " Whittle said.

泽尔腾的研究让经济学家减少了可能的纳什均衡的数量。Mr Selten's work let economists whittle down the number of possible Nash equilibria.

中国还试图通过与力拓和其它供应商的谈判削减铁矿石的价格。China is also trying to whittle down iron-ore prices in talks with Rio and other suppliers.

本周末,将惠特尔大学篮球比赛的季后赛做最后四强。This weekend, college basketball will whittle its postseason tournament down to the Final Four.

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惠特尔说,"全球捐助"组织继承了凯斯基金会提出的"慈善事业民主化"的理念。GlobalGiving follows the Case Foundation’s belief in the "democratization of philanthropy," Whittle said.

该份草案尚不具备官方地位,并且在谈判开始之前,文本的削减必须获得正式批准。It has no official status yet, and must be formally approved before negotiators can start to whittle it down.

格兰特小组分析的脑组织是从爱丁堡大学的外科医师伊恩维特处拿来的。The brain tissue analyzed by Dr. Grant’s team was extracted by a surgeon, Ian Whittle of Edinburgh University.

利兹刑事法庭被告知维特撰写了攻击性文章,然后由斯帕得在因特网上发布。Leeds Crown Court was told Whittle wrote offensive articles that were then published on the internet by Sheppard.

不过,如果用户愿意把自己的电脑加入海盗湾的“云”计算网络,那么他们的月费就可以被减免。Eventually, users can whittle that fee down to nothing by tying their computers to The Pirate Bay's "cloud" network.

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惠特尔相信他的配乐会为在宇宙早期形成过程中物质的分布提供帮助。Whittle believes his soundtrack can shed light on how matter was distributed in the early formation of the universe.

人力资源部门的低级员工通常会精减出一份初选名单,他们阅读每份简历的时间不超过15秒。A junior HR officer will typically whittle these down to along list, spending no more than 15 seconds examining each CV.

人力资源的低级员工通常会精减出一份初选名单,阅读每份简历的不超过15秒。A junior HR officer will typically whittle these down to a long list, spending no more than 15 seconds examining each CV.