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主题还是动机Theme or motive?

你的动机在那里?What’s your motive?

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我们听到的动机里用了多少音符呢How many notes in our motive?

对于动机太过于长了It's way too long for a motive.

开始乐段用的是主题还是动机Theme or motive at the beginning?

啊,神灵们,请接受我的祭礼吧!Receive my motive offering, oh gods!

官方正在搜寻作案动机。Authorities are looking for a motive.

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附带问一句,这是动机还是主题呢Is this a motive or a theme, by the way?

他讲这寓言故事是有用意的。He had some motive in telling this fable.

利益驱动的友谊从来不会长久。Profit motive friendship never last long.

对矿物燃料的依赖是你唯一的动机?Is fossil-fuel dependence your only motive?

就像指挥潍柴动力。Resemble commanding Wei bavin motive force.

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面孔隐瞒动机为各个词。The face conceals the motive for each word.

法官从结果中推知动机。The judge inferred a motive from an effect.

警方知道他的动机是妒忌。The police knew that his motive was jealousy.

把这一犯罪行为的动机归因于忌妒。Jealousy was assigned as motive for the crime.

好,这是个动机的典型示例Okay. So that's a classic example of a motive.

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没有了目的,人生便暗淡无光。What makes life dreary is the want of a motive.

发展中国陶瓷业的动力。The motive force development of Chinese ceramic.

相信作案经过、作案动机很快能够查清。Believe the crime motive soon after, to identify.