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科洛。图雷在禁赛半年之后还得重新证明自己。Kolo Touré is trying to re-establish himself after his six-month ban.

阿森纳的每一员都祝福图雷未来一切顺利。Everyone at Arsenal Football Club wishes Kolo the best of luck for the future.

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克洛总是带我回家,他妻子总是会为我做饭。Kolo would pick me up and drop me at home and his wife used to cook meals for me.

他对阿森纳很重要,而他们已经卖掉了图雷和阿德巴约。He is an important player for Arsenal and they have already sold Kolo and Adebayor.

虽然科洛。图雷84分钟的扳平让结局不算太糟,但这无异于一场败仗。Despite Kolo Toure's 84th-minute equaliser and a frantic finale, this felt like a defeat.

在出售图雷和阿德巴约之后,温格面临着在球市上加大投入的压力。Wenger remains under pressure to spend, having offloaded Kolo Touré and Emmanuel Adebayor.

图雷会欢迎亨利重返阿森纳,并认为这会是一次成功的转会。Former team-mate Kolo Toure, though, would welcome the player back and is sure he would be a success.

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我刚来的时候,教授跟我开玩笑说,如果我可以过了坎贝尔和图雷,那么我就可以直接上场!The boss joked with me when I arrived that if I can get past Sol and Kolo then I can play in the squad!

阿森纳正在准备与后卫图雷关于新合同进行对话,以此来打消切尔西引进他的念头。Arsenal are set to hold contract talks with defender Kolo Toure, to fend off reported interest from Chelsea.

科洛·图雷和帕斯卡·西甘帮了我不少忙,现在假如我能够永远留在伦敦的话那将会十分棒。Kolo Touré and Pascal Cygan helped me a lot, and now if I could stay for ever in London that would be great.

在他之前有图雷、埃布埃,热尔维尼奥也受到让-马克·库卢的培养,然后前往欧洲。Like Kolo Toure and Emmanuel Eboue before him, Gervinho trained under Jean-Marc Guillou before leaving for Europe.

在破坏了维拉的一次反击之后,图雷朝着大卫席尔瓦做了一个表示愚蠢的手势,后者发现自己正在压力之下。After breaking up a Villa attack, Kolo Toure made a boneheaded pass to David Silva, who found himself under pressure.

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意大利教练现在准备将队长袖标交给中场的粗野小子得荣或者后卫线上的图雷。But the Italian manager is now set to hand the skipper's armband on to midfield tough guy Nigel De Jong or back to Kolo Toure.

科洛。图雷指责桑德兰队球员保罗。麦克谢恩在周日的比赛中故意试图伤害赫莱布。Kolo Toure has accused Paul McShane of deliberately trying to injure Alexander Hleb in Sunderland's defeat at Arsenal on Sunday.

热刺中场球员迪迪埃·佐科拉透露阿森纳的科洛·图雷在球队联赛杯1-5惨败之后想打他。Tottenham midfielder Didier Zokora has revealed how Arsenal's Kolo Toure was ready to thump him after the 5-1 Carling Cup shock.

坎贝尔在那年49次出场中搭档最多是科洛·图雷,对于这位年轻的科特迪瓦人来说,这是一个完美的学习平台。One Kolo Toure partnered Campbell in most of his 49 appearances that year — it was the ideal learning platform for the young Ivorian.

我和图雷一起看了热刺对阿森纳的比赛,当热刺赢下比赛时我异常兴奋,但科洛想跟我打架,因为他很郁闷。I watched the Tottenham-Arsenal games with Kolo and when Spurs won I was very happy, but Kolo wanted to fight me because he was upset!

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“当我最初来到英国的时候,就是图雷和维埃拉关心我,带着我成长。”他说。“When I first came to England, it was Kolo Toure and Patrick Vieira who took me under their wing and really looked after me,” he said.

他们花下巨资购买英超的球员,包括了阿森纳的阿德巴约和图雷。They invested their millions on players already playing in the Premier League, including Emmanuel Adebayor and Kolo Toure from Arsenal.

但是现在科洛·图雷和威廉·加拉都拥有丰富的比赛经验,加上简斯·莱曼,后防就有五分之三的人拥有这种经验。But now Kolo Toure and William Gallas have a fair experience, with Jens Lehmann it is three out of five who have that sort of experience.