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一块儿布条。A strip of cloth.

就抽这条带子。Just pull on this strip.

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某人到一家脱衣舞俱乐部消遣。A man went to a strip club.

我不能带她的茶水了!I can not strip her panty off!

我想我们需要一个电源插排。I think we need a power strip.

他把那弯曲的金属片弄直了。He straightened the bent strip.

我甚至想扒下卡塞蒂的球裤。I even wanted to strip Cassetti.

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支持多种插口的电源插板。Power Strip with multiple outlets.

露天开采毁掉了风景。Strip mining deforms the landscape.

你会卸载电脑中的间谍软件吗?Can you strip a computer of spyware?

猴子撕裂树皮来作食料。The monkeys strip the bark for food.

我要把妳连皮带骨拆了!I'll strip your feathers to the bone!

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她用丝带镶帽边。She banded her hat with a silk strip.

我在一家地带联合刚开。E. g. I have a magnetic strip ID card.

杠杆是用钢条冲压出来的。Levers are blanked out of strip steel.

进一次拉斯维加斯的高档脱衣舞俱乐部。Visit a high-end Las Vegas strip club.

那条小船在暴风雨中沈没了。They swamped out a small landing strip.

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骨架中配以橡胶压条。Rubber trim strip is equipped in the bone.

强力皂能够强力洗去你皮肤中的油分。Strong soaps can strip oil from your skin.

这条狭长的地带构成了公路的边沿。This narrow strip verges against the road.