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怎么做流光字渐隐字?How to do fade streamer word word?

尊重台主与其他观众,不要惹起骂端。Respect other viewers and the streamer.

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你们要横幅和扩音器吗?Would you like a streamer and amplifier?

歌响舞分行,艳色动流光。Dance song ring branch, Chromic moving streamer.

轮船在偷越封锁线时被截获。The streamer has been captured in running the blockade.

两道晨风中的经幡搭起通向天空的桥。Sutra streamer in the wind make the bridge to the heaven.

抵死缠绵最终逃不过一场流光。The deadly streamer finally cannot escape being a lingering.

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一天,一个更富有想象力,使用了若虫或飘带。And on a more imaginative day, the use of a nymph or a streamer.

愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。Like me as Xing Jun Kisaragi, every night bringing a streamer phase.

在可能的情况,就是简单的抛投到上游再拉饰带毛勾回到自己的身边。Where possible, simply cast upstream and strip the streamer back to you.

结果表明脉冲流光电晕放电消除H2S是有效的。The results show that the pulsed streamer corona is effective to remove H2S.

目前苹果电视盒几乎不包含任何存储设备,是一个真正的“流媒体播放器”。The current Apple TV box is really just a media streamer with hardly any storage to speak of.

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该流弹射系统运作良好,很明显,尽管高流速和部署。Thee streamer ejection system evidently worked well, despite the high velocity at deployment.

这能量的彩带仅仅只是随着无法被阻止的朝向过渡转变的其中一项而已。That energy streamer is just one of a multitude with unstoppable momentum toward world transformation.

在有鲨鱼出没的地区,在海缆外面还要再加一层聚乙烯护套。If sharks are attracted to areas outside the Streamer also coupled with a layer of polyethylene sheath.

使用饰带毛勾时请紧记所有毛勾都会在你竿尖前停下来。As you play with the streamer keep in mind that any fly will always attempt to rest directly below the rod tip.

环绕在颈部,Streamer像是蓝牙耳机和数字音频播放器的接口。Worn around the neck, the Streamer acts as an interface for Bluetooth enabled phones and digital audio players.

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但是由于此地工人罢工,要到今天为止月底才有驶往你港口的直达船。However, owing to the worker's strike here, there will be no direct streamer to your port until the end of August.

基于以上试验结果,结合量纲分析法,能够对实际拖缆阻力进行较好估算。Based on the result of investigation and dimension analysis method, practical engineering streamer can be well estimated.

其实在女人的生命中,是要有一些流光用来浪费,要有一些流光可以用来滋养自己的。In fact, a woman's life, is to have a number of streamer to waste, to have some streamer can be used to nourish their own.