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不过这必须避免说教的方式。However it should avoid being didactic.

我的隔壁邻居是个爱训人的老太太。My next-door neighbor is a didactic old lady.

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他的演说对于新人来说是一种痛苦的说教。His speech to the new freshmen was painfully didactic.

当然,这个教训的方法也只能引导我们一段。Of course, this didactic technique only takes you so far.

我总觉得天主教派的教义太过教条式。I always found the teachings of the Catholic Church to be too didactic.

然而,由于螺栓注意到,布莱希特并不总是遵循自己的教学方法。However, as Bolt notes, Brecht did not always follow his own didactic technique.

讲课与实习课将会提供受训与经验学习的机会。Lectures and tutorials will offer didactic and experiential learning opportunities.

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这个夫人就是文学教条主义,不懈的说教工作的核心。The Lady is at the dogmatic heart of this relentlessly didactic work of literature.

这个夫人就是文学教条主义,不懈的说教工作的核心。The Lady is at the dogmatic heart of this relentlessly didactic work of literature.

与其他的艺术家与众不同的是,他的作品表现的更个体,而平实。Unlike the other artists in the exhibit, his work seems more personal, less didactic.

在之后的半个世纪中,很多各种语言版本的有教育意义的传记出现了。Over the following half-century, didactic biographies appeared in dozens of languages.

这本书采用问与答的形式,内容经过删节,略带说教意味。The book, which takes a question-and-answer format, has a clipped, slightly didactic style.

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探究式的教学比老式的说教对老师的要求高得多。Teaching through inquiry is far more demanding for the teacher than the old-style didactic method.

除了说教式讲课,充裕的时间已分配参与者的反馈和互动。In addition to didactic lectures, ample time has been allotted for participant feedback and interaction.

我们博客作者列出的各种事情规则和理由,有时起到引导作用,包括写博客。We bloggers can be quite didactic at times, listing out rules and reasons for various activities, including blogging.

相反,唯美主义者认为艺术不应具有任何说教的因素,而是追求单纯的美感。On the contrary, aesthete believed that art should not have any didactic element, but rather the pursuit of pure beauty.

其实,当时的文学作品种充满了说教与道德理念,就已经成为大众教育的良好工具。As a matter of fact literature at the time heavily didactic and moralizing became a very popular means of public education.

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主要差别是将允许非专家读者捕获必要的概念的一种更多的教导方法。The main difference is a more didactic approach which will allow the non-specialist reader to capture the essential concepts.

而且,库布里克带悲观主义色彩的个性,使得他饱含教谕意味的电影旁白还带有非常独特的悲观主义色彩。Moreover, with pessimism in Kubrick's personality, his films with didactic characteristics are also full of unique color pessimism.

这个模型的首要目标就是让学习变得有趣,避开大部分南亚所使用的,沉重的,令人烦恼的说教式教学。A major goal of the module was to make learning fun and avoid the heavy, boring didactic teaching which is in vogue in most of South Asia.