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淡淡的香气,荡漾在心尖之上。Faint aroma, rippling over the apex.

整个沙丘波浪式地向前移动。The whole sand due moves forward rippling.

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大家往前看,这就是碧波荡漾的昆明湖。You see, this is the rippling Lake Kunming.

永定河,他盯着前方的一条粼光闪闪的水。He gazed at the glinting , rippling ribbon of water.

起风了,激起池面层层涟漪。A wind had blown up, rippling the surface of the pool.

池塘里的潺潺声是芦苇摇动时引起的。The pool rippling was caused by the waving of the reeds.

其实,在我心里都会荡漾出最幸福的涟漪。In fact, in my heart will be most happy ripples rippling out.

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亚洲其他制造业经济体现在也受到了连带影响。That's now rippling to other manufacturing economies in Asia.

宽容很容易带来的涟漪效应让人们感觉更快乐。Tolerance simply has a rippling effect that makes people happier.

潺潺流水冲刷着石头的时候,你将了解真相。Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.

我的心,在有你的月光里漫漫随波荡漾。My heart, where the long years of your moonlight rippling the waves.

神秘人颤栗着,火把的光芒像闪电一样流过他的头发。The man shuddered, torchlight rippling like lightning through his hair.

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清涟的水面上漂着几瓣落花。There are several fallen flowers floating on the crystal, rippling surface.

席卷阿拉伯世界的革命浪潮会否远抵俄罗斯?Had the wave of revolution rippling across the Arab world reached as far as Russia?

位于汇泉角和太平角之间,濒临波光涟漪的太平湾。Lying between Huiquan Cape and Taiping CapeBadaguan faces the rippling Taiping Bay.

洱海像一面明镜,小船在泛着涟漪的湖面上飘荡。The Erhai Lake looks like a mirror dotted with floating boats on its rippling surface.

大片的麦田里生长着各个品种的大麦和小麦,例如二粒小麦和单粒小麦。and rippling fields of wild barley and wild wheat varieties such as emmer and einkorn.

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波光嶙峋、鸽舞翩然,极好的解释了乐土的童话正题。Rippling water and cavorting pigeons perfectly depict the fairy tale theme of the park.

有可能波及的植入物,其中有是有形的出现波纹的皮肤。There may be rippling of implants in which there is visible appearance of waviness of the skin.

此时此刻,德拉的秀发泼撒在她的周围,微波起伏,闪耀光芒,有如那褐色的瀑布。So now Dellas beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters.