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到底什么是悲观情绪呢?What is pessimism after all?

在30至39岁是悲观主义出现的高峰。Pessimism peaks between 30 and 39.

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是什么驾驭着这些新悲观主义?What’s driving this new pessimism?

鲍伯有爱夸张的倾向。He has a tendency towards pessimism.

存在强者的悲观主义吗?Is there a pessimism of the strong?

现在或许是时候告别消极和悲观了。It may be time to move beyond pessimism.

希腊人与悲观主义艺术作品?The Greeks and the art work of pessimism?

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在周二,悲观似乎是更好的赌注。On Tuesday, pessimism seemed the better bet.

美国人向来拒绝消极悲观。America is disinclined to wallow in pessimism.

艾芙林的悲观主义是一种健康的悲观。Her pessimism was, however, of a healthy kind.

悲观会让你成功需要的工具变钝。Pessimism blunts the tools you need to succeed.

悲观是打败自己的最好方法。Pessimism is the eastest way of self- defeatism.

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现在,我们决不能屈从于悲观和相互不信任。Now we must not give into pessimism and mistrust.

我认为这个建议有点儿悲观。In my opinion, this suggestion smacks of pessimism.

这是海明威式的固执的悲观主义情结的反映。This is a reflection of Hemingways stubborn pessimism.

人们对就业机会相当悲观。There is consider-able pessimism about job opportunity.

很少有对冲基金经理认同亨德利的悲观观点。Very few hedge fund managers share Mr Hendry's pessimism.

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乐观和悲观可以在美国作品里奇妙地结合起来。Optimism and pessimism mingle queerly in American writing.

它被描述为伴之以普遍的悲观情绪。It is described as being accompanied by widespread pessimism.

尽管遇到困难他从没有消极悲观过。He never gave himself up to pessimism in spite of difficulties.