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这里有两个纯地方指示词在当代英语。Here and there are two pure place deictic words in contemporary English.

指示语的语用翻译基于对源语指示信息的正确理解。The pragmatic translation of deixis rests on understanding the deictic information in SL.

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指示词语的指示信息是说话人表达意义和听话人理解话语的关键。The pointing function of deictic expressions plays a key role in successful communication.

指示词语的指示信息是说话人表达意义和听话人理解话语的关键。The pointing-out function of deictic expressions plays a key role in successful communication.

您使用的是指示这样或那样的表情说明了在最近的范围内。You are using deictic expressions this or that to indicate something in the immediate context.

自我中心特性是指示语的基本特性,是理解指示信息的重要出发点。Egocentricity is a basic feature of deixis. It is very important in getting deictic information.

然而经过语法化的演变,指示动词已发展出相当多元的语意。However, a host of meanings of the deictic motion verbs have been derived through grammaticalization.

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距离的概念,是隐含在这些以及其他的话有空间指示意义。The concept of distance is implied in them as well as in other words which have spatial deictic sense.

汉语中最常见、最典型、最复杂的指示词语是“这”和“那”类指代词。The most typical and complicated deictic words in modern Chinese are demonstrative pronouns this and that.

通过典例说明了在指示语境中指示词语的具体用法。It has also illustrated through the typical examples the concrete usage of the deixis in the deictic context.

与摹状词及专名研究相比,指示语研究显得相对薄弱和滞后。However, the research of deictic words has fallen behind the research of proper names and definite descriptions.

对这一指示投射现象,传统的研究没有给予令人信服的解释。Traditional accounts of deixis cannot provide a convincing explanation for this phenomenon of deictic projection.

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这一现象表明至少在这三种基本指示类型中,隐含一些共有的认知联系。There must be some conceptual and social relatedness at least among the three basic deictic categories, and it remains unexplored.

人称意义的载体在俄语中除了人称代词之外还有物主代词和动词的人称形式等。In Russian, there are not only personal pronouns, but also possessive pronouns and personal forms of verbs to denote deictic meanings.

最后本章比较了以自我为基础的时间隐喻和序列时间隐喻在时间指称上的差异。Finally, a comparison is made between the Ego-based metaphors and the Sequence Time metaphors in terms of deictic temporal expressions.

它在言语中的作用是指示功能和照应功能,第一、第二人称代词主要行使指示功能,而第三人称则主要行使文内照应功能。While the first and the second person pronouns mainly perform deictic functions, the third person pronoun is of anaphoric reference in a text.

中英文社会指示词在语用规则与意义方面存在很大的差别,反映出中英两种社会文化的不同。In the aspects of pragmatic rules and meanings English social deictic words are greatly different from Chinese due to their different cultures.

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指示语的反先用现象常由指示信息的缺损、言语参与者的心理活动等因素造成。Third, anti-pre-emptiveness of deixis results from such factors as lack of deictic information, psychological activities of participants in speech event and so on.

本文试图以时间指示词语为例,从五个方面对反先用现象做进一步的探讨和分析。This paper, taking temporal deictic expressions as example, attempts to make an in-depth probe into and analysis of the anti-preemptive phenomenon in five aspects.

指示的含义在很大的程度上取决于作者的内心状态,取决于指示所存在的“主观”语境。The potential function of deictic terms changes with their different references. The meaning of deixis depends, to a large degree, on the author's innermost status.