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湖北是我国细辛属植物的分布中心之一。Hubei is one of the distribution centres of Asarum in China.

目的观察细辛水煎剂与硝苯地平伍用的镇痛作用。Objective To observe the analgesic action of combination of asarum decoction and nifedipine.

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目的对辽细辛地下部分进行化学成分研究。Objective To study the chemical constituents of the root of Asarum heterotropides Fr Schmidt.

峨眉山细辛属的分布及其与系统分类的关系。The geographical distribution of genus Asarum in Mt. Emei of China in relation to systematics.

我国南方将细辛全草铺于地板下以防白蚁侵蛀。In Chinese southward, people have spreaded Asarum grass below the floor board to drive termites.

细辛临床广泛应用于多种疾病的治疗,且疗效肯定。Asarum clinical widely applies to the many kinds of diseases treatment, also curative effect affirmation.

目的比较辽细辛果实中不同部位和不同产地辽细辛果实与种子中马兜铃酸A的含量。Objective To compare the contents of aristolochic acid in the fruit and seeds of Asarum heterotropoides Fr.

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细辛属植物亦具有较高的观赏价值,在日本已广为应用,但在我国却栽培很少。Asarum plants, with the ornamental, have been extensively utilized in Japan, but little cultivated in China.

本方法可为杜衡的进一步开发和利用提供参考。The method used on essential oil extraction serves as references for the further exploitation and utilization of Asarum forbesii Maxim.

目的复制寒饮射肺证动物模型,观察单叶细辛对该模型大鼠肺通气功能相关指标的影响。Objective To study the effects of single leaf Asarum on pulmonary ventilation in experimental rats with syndrome of cold fluid shooting lung.

从细辛的来源、入药部位、药理作用等方面总结出“细辛不过钱”的古训是有局限性的。The article concluded the limitation of the ancient adage, "Asarum no more than Penny Weight", from the source, position and pharmacological action of Asarum.

麻黄、桂枝、细辛、羌活、防风、紫锥菊、合成牛黄、蟾酥、冰片等。Ephedra sinica, RAMULUS CINNAMOMI, Asarum sieboldii, Notopterygium, Saposhnikovia divaricata, Echinacea , calculus bovis, Dried Venom of Toads, borneol and so on.

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结论单叶细辛可抑制寒饮射肺证大鼠TXB2、ET的产生,减少灌洗液中蛋白质含量,有效改善肺通气。Conclusions Single leaf Asarum can reduce TXB2, ET and protein in perfusing fluid enhance pulmonary ventilation in experimental rats with syndrome of cold fluid shooting lung.