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她看见洛蒂从灌木丛里钻出来。She saw Lottie emerge from the shrubbery.

年年岁岁珞蒂总劝碧丝要为年老之后做点准备。Over the years Lottie had urged Bess to prepare for her old age.

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珞蒂终身未嫁也一样的没什么可怪。That Lottie never married at all was not really surprising either.

为了迎接妹妹的到来,洛蒂开始整理她的房子。In order to meet the arrival of sis, Lottie began tidying her house.

珞蒂渴望快快长大,赚钱买所有最好的东西。Lottie couldn't wait to grow up and buy herself the best of everything.

珞蒂好多了,不必看着苦兮兮的外甥们,替他们可怜。Lottie was certainly better off without nieces and nephews to feel sorry for.

洛蒂拥有金色的头发,大大的眼睛,完全继承了姐姐的美貌。With her blonde hair and doe eyes, Lottie definitely nabbed the beauty genes from her famous sister.

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甚至日常我们在看电视时,也能看到‘灰熊’和洛蒂在给对方理毛发,要么就是相依偎着打盹。Even simply while we watch TV you can find Grizzly and Lottie grooming each other or cuddling up close for a nap.

现在当我问它最好的朋友是谁时,你甚至可以看到‘灰熊’做好准备要倚向洛蒂并等待它来拥抱了。Now when I ask Lottie who her best friend is, you can even catch Grizzly getting ready for the hug and leaning into her.

那时珞蒂才明白何以碧丝都不提她美的服饰、漂亮的房间或者那只十二磅重的火鸡。Then it was that Lottie knew why Bess had made no mention of her finery, or the shining room, or the twelve pound turkey.

那个礼拜日,小石城的市政理事、民主党全国委员会副主席洛蒂.沙克尔福德在五所教堂发表了演讲。Lottie Shackleford, a Little Rock city director and Vice-Chair of the National Democratic Committee, spoke in five churches that Sunday.

一眨眼,珞蒂已经六十岁,老板的儿子不讲什么情份,没等她提出,就请她退休。Suddenly Lottie was sixty, and retired from her job by her boss's son, who had no sentimental feeling about keeping her on until she was ready to quit.

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在此过程中,洛蒂逐渐意识到她过去的人生就像苦行僧一样只是为了生活而生活,她并没有享受到任何生活的乐趣。In this process , Lottie was realizing that the past of her life was like an ascetic and she lived as just for life. She didn't enjoy any fun of the life.

珞蒂走过一面擦亮的镜子,起先隐隐约约的,后来清清楚楚痛苦无比地,她看见别人眼中的自己,实在无法忍受自己的模样。Passing her gleaming mirrors, at first with vague awareness, then with painful clarity, Lottie saw herself as others saw her, and could not stand the sight.