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粘膜上皮主要为单层柱状纤毛细胞。Most of the epithelia are ciliated columnar cells.

浮浪幼体腔肠动物其扁平的,能自由浮游的,有纤毛的幼体。The flat, free-swimming, ciliated larva of a coelenterate.

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气管表面的假复层纤毛柱状上皮。Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium from the trachea.

胃粘膜上皮由纤毛细胞和微绒毛细胞组成。The stomach mucosal epithelium consists of ciliated cells and microvilli.

任一种微小的腹毛类水栖动物,身体似虫状,环带纲。Any of various minute aquatic animals of the phylum Gastrotricha, having a wormlike, ciliated body.

黏膜上皮主要由纤毛细胞、分泌细胞及少量基细胞和栓细胞组成。The mucous epithelium consisted of ciliated cells, secretory cells, a few of basal cells and peg cells.

而EGF表达主要在纤毛上皮、支气管黏膜上皮细胞基底膜和化生黏膜上皮细胞。EGF staining was observed on ciliated and basal bronchial epithelial cells and in the metaplastic epithelium.

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肠纤毛柱状细胞呈现蛋白酶、非特异性酯酶、酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶活性。The ciliated columnar cells in the intestine show activity of proteinase, non specific esterase and alkaline phosphatase.

黏膜上皮全部为假复层柱状上皮,黏膜的固有膜内腔上囊小结也相对发达。Epithelial tissue is the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, more Fabricius nodes are located in the natural layer.

直肠单层柱状上皮与假复层纤毛柱状上皮共存。The rectum mucosa epithelium is composed of single-layer columnar epithelium and pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.

典型纤毛杆状细的电脑绘图,典型的杆状细菌包括大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌。Computer artwork of the end of a typical ciliated rod-shaped bacterium. Typical rod-shaped bacteria include E.coli and Salmonella.

过渡上皮和纤毛上皮中均散在岛状鳞状上皮但出现时间不一致。Islands of squamous cells were found scattered in the transitional epithelium and the ciliated epithelium but the appeared time was different.

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组织学检查显示肋间肌组织血供良好,环的内层胸膜间皮被纤毛上皮替代。Microscopic examination showed the trachea had good blood supply, and the substitution of pleural epithelium by ciliated epithelium was observed.

导管壁由单层短柱状纤毛细胞和丰富的粘液细胞构成,纤毛柱状细胞能合成、分泌消化酶。The duct is composed of simple ciliated columnar epithelium and abundant mucous cell, and the former can synthesize and secrete digestive enzymes.

钟形虫通过纤毛捕食水中微生物,虫体能从柄上脱落下来扩大感染范围。Bell-shaped insect prey in the water through the ciliated micro-organisms parasites detached from the handle down on the expansion of the scope of infection.

实验拟将手工显微分离技术应用于豚鼠鼻黏膜纤毛细胞的分离,为进一步实验提供纯净的目的细胞。This study was designed to apply manual microdissection to isolate ciliated cells from guinea pig's nasal epithelium and offer pure cells to further research.

室管膜上神经纤维可存在于海马伞的多纤毛区,也可存在于海马体的少纤毛区。Supraependymal nerve fibers existed not only on the ciliated surface of hippocampal fimbria, but also in the middle and posterior surfaces of hippocampal body.

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食道粘膜上皮由纤毛柱状细胞、粘液细胞、颗粒状腺细胞、微绒毛细胞和分泌细胞组成。The epithelium of the esophagus consists of five types of cells, ciliated columnar cell, mucous cell, granular gland cell, cell with microvilli and secretory cell.

通过对采自广东省大鹏半岛的土壤混合样品进行纤毛虫定性和相对定量的分析,研究了大鹏半岛土壤纤毛虫的群落特点。With the qualitative and quantitative analysis, the community characteristics of soil ciliated protozoan sample from Dapeng Peninsula, Guangdong province was studied.

根据纤毛原生动物无性系的寿命的定义,灵芝的内含物延长了棘尾虫无性系细胞的寿命。According to the definition of the life-span of ciliated protozoan clone, the component of Ling-Zhi prolonged the life-span of the clonal cells of Stylonychia mytilus.