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它被认为是无益甚至邪佞之事。It was oppposed as worthless and even heretical.

没有什么可以收取严格邪教对孟他努。Nothing strictly heretical could be charged against Montanism.

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这是一个如此异端的想法,以至于它根本不会被讨论。It's such a heretical idea that it's not even up for discussion.

意味着我们可以不受外来邪说的污染。It means we don’t get polluted with heretical ideas from outside.

如何分辨基督正教徒,和基督异教徒?So how do you tell an orthodox Christian from a heretical Christian?

他们无情地攻击那些被认为是异教徒的人。They relentlessly attacked others whom they believed to be heretical.

遗漏了一些离经叛道文本?可上评语栏亵渎我们。Did we miss a few heretical texts?Blaspheme us in the comments section.

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即便如此,赫茨琳杰女士曾经的异端想法在当下似乎正取得进展。Even so, it seems that Mrs Herzlinger'sonce- heretical ideas are making progress.

新约里有很多关于耶稣的观点,后来都被宣布为异端邪说。You've got all kinds of views about Jesus that would later be declared heretical.

其它基督论在基督教历史的某个时期,被视为异端邪说。These other Christologies were all declared heretical at some point in Christian history.

一些同志对歪理邪说和各种忌讳的迷信,大多源于某种宗教心理。Most blind beliefs in heretical ideas and various taboos originate in some religious mentality.

因此,我的许多意见将是被视为高阶语言的邪说。As a result, many of my comments will seem heretical to the high-level language purists out there.

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我真的觉得这是,激进的,甚至是异端邪说,对一个基督教国家的诗人来说。This is really, I think, a radical if not heretical idea for the national poet of a Christian people.

中国古代著名的思想家李贽,是晚明思想史上特立独行的“异端”人物。Ancient China well-known thinkers Li Zhi, is the independent "heretical" figures of the late Ming Dynasty.

假如圣赛瑞利当时在世,恐怕他也必定支持这种见解,而将变成异端。If Saint Cyril had still been alive, he would certainly have supported this view, and have become heretical.

以佛释儒、颠倒万世是非之史论,触犯了儒教正统之道德底线,是李贽罹难之根本原因等。Li Zhi was sent to prison for his heretical history works which violated the moral law of Confucianism society.

他们被排斥是因为他们宣扬的教义,让其他基督教徒觉得是异端邪说,不合事实。They were excluded because they taught a doctrine that other Christians thought was heretical and not accurate.

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但是,新兴教会运动所走的路即使不被传统派看作是异教,也被看作是非正统的。Still, the Emerging Church movement is treading on ground that traditionalists call unorthodox, if not heretical.

斯奥迪斯会被看作是异端思想甚至是亵渎上帝,原因很简单--想想斯奥迪斯假定了什么。A theodicy can be seen as heretical or even blasphemous for the simple reason that it -- think of what it assumes.

然而在主后第二世纪,把东正教,和基督教异教相提并论不合时宜。In the second century,though,it's anachronistic to talk about orthodox Christianity versus heretical Christianity.