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人们已由嫉妒转变到钦佩他们的杰出才干。Jealousy gave way to admiration of thir prowess.

欢迎大家来欣赏他们的演唱,并同他们一起高歌吧。They welcome everyone to enjoy thir songs and to sing loudly with them together.

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他们的政治制度已经完全被某些叛徒控制了,这群人实际上正在摧毁美国。Thir political system is fully controlled by some traitors who are actually destroying the US.

很好的决定,中国人是世界最大的威胁,毛派和巴基佬会随之起舞。Good decision, chinese are the biggest threat to world and us, maoists and porkis fdance to thir tune.

第二天,两人将装有两封信的盒子埋在了校园中最高处的一棵大树底下。The next day, Ice and Wine concealed the little box full of thir love under the highest tree in the campus.

石油树脂可溶解于各种高聚物并改善它们的粘接性、耐水性、耐化学药品性等。Petroleum resin can be dissolved in various polymers to improve thir tackiness, water resisting property, chemical resistant etc.

这两幅画侧重在把自然景观与一些画家对理想形象的想象结合起来。These two painting are focusing on the landscape of nature meanwhile also mixed with some painters imagination on thir ideal image.

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在领先之后,尽管比赛就要结束了,他们毅然表现了勇气,回到了以往的水平。Then after the advantage, even if it came near the end, they found thir courage and started to play as they can at their usual level.

含氟代脂族和羧端基的聚硅氧烷,其制造方法,及其在处理纤维状基材中的用途。Polysiloxanes having fluoroaliphatic- and carboxyl-containing terminal groups, thir preparation, and their use in treatment of fibrous substrates.

用户可以在电脑上直接发送传真至对方传真机上而无需先将文件打印出来。Users are allowed to fax their electronic documents directly from thir desktop. It works much like a printer driver. No printing is required in prior to fax.

通过对由图象输入设备获得的目标图象文件的分析,论述了利用计算机来完成此类图象的显示方法。By analysing The target image document acquired from the input equipment, the method to use a computer for completing the display image is discussed in thir paper.