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谢谢了,比利-寇根。Thanks, Billy Corgan.

傻毕利喜欢百合花。Silly Billy loves lily.

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“哦……我跟乔尔。比利睡觉了”。I slept with Billy Joel.

你会弹比利乔的歌吗?You know any Billy Joel?

为什么傻毕利喜欢百合花?Why does Silly Billy lily?

请把这张画给丽丽。Give this picture to Billy.

比利随着风筝飞上了天空。Billy went up with the kite.

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比利把沙莉做错了事告诉妈妈。Billy told his mother on her.

获胜者是比利。斯图乐特。The winner was Billy Stewart.

多少人同意比尔•巴尔格的立场?the position of Billy Bulger?

那是比尔乔洛伊尔的歌吧?。Is that Billy Joe Royal?- Yeah.

比利和波比都是小孩子。Billy and Bobby were small boys.

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才不恶心,比利,吃下去。It is not yucky , Billy. Eat it.

比利,跳房子是女孩子玩的游戏。Hopscotch is a girls game, Billy.

我听的是比利乔谢福尔。I'm listening to Billy Joe Shaver.

可怜的老比利·乔再也干不活了。Poor old Billy Joe can't work any.

某人向葛培理作见证。Someone witnessed to Billy Graham.

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比力是米莉的弟弟。Billy was Millie's younger brother.

比利比恩消失多久了?How long is Billy Beane gonna last?

妈妈,比利-寇根有条银色的裤子。Mum, Billy Corgan has silver pants.