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因为它呈灰白色。Because it shows hoar.

那位老人头发花白。The old man has hoar hair.

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地面霜是由雪堤顶上的冰点以下水晶组成。Surface hoar consists of frost crystals atop snowbanks.

表面白色的部分由雪花晶体组成。Surface hoar consists of frost crystals atop snowbanks.

今天是中国二十四节气中的霜降。Today is in the Chinese 24 solar terms hoar frost descendings.

我了解霍尔,对他的判断力和能力很有信心。I knew Hoar and had great confidence in his judgment and ability.

这次行动没有得到中央司令部霍尔将军或是国防部的批准。The operation was not approved by General Hoar at CentCom or by the Pentagon.

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幼枝密被灰白色短柔毛和伸展的长刚毛。Young branch is mixed closely by hoar short fluff the long bristle of extend.

我发现很奇妙的一件事情就是在冬天一切都变得如斯美丽。Hoar frost. One of the things I find fascinating is how beautiful everything can be in winter.

一觉醒来发现窗外浓雾乳白的晨曦,清冷的香气令人陶醉。I just woke up to find the hoar fog hovering the sky, a smell of cold aroma permeating my heart.

冬季里,睡醒睁眼所见的初雪,蓝天和白霜,都会使你感到幸福。There are days when you can be fortunate enough to wake up to a fresh snow fall, bright blue skies and hoar frost.

有一条杂草丛生的野径,沿着林荫小道而下,两旁是灰白多节的树干,顶上是枝桠交叉的拱门。There was a grass-grown track descending the forest aisle between hoar and knotty shafts and under branched arches.

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露水升化之后,在旷野的地面上,留下稀薄的碎屑,稀薄得好像地上的霜。And when it had covered the face of the earth, it appeared in the wilderness small, and as it were beaten with a pestle, like unto the hoar frost on the ground.

灰白色系给人是优雅,沉静。茶几相应是稳重的灰色系。也许这种搭配你会觉得冷冷的,但味道正在其中。It is elegant that hoar fastens a person calm. tea table is sedate gray department accordingly. perhaps this kind matchs you can feel cold but flavour among them.