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布陆毙正战海星一起玩。Pluto is playing with a starfish.

还记得蒙蒂歌弯的海星吗?Remember the starfish in Montego Bay?

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海星是从它们的身体顶端拉臭臭的。Starfish poop from the top of their body.

今年,甚至有很多海星也被冲上了岸。This year, more starfish also washed ashore.

因为他必须帮助其他英雄击败海星怪物。He had to help them beat the starfish monster.

水母和海星都是没脑的。Jellyfish and starfish are both have no brain.

典型的例子就是这个海鞘类砂海星属体蚤。The classic case is the starfish Luidia Sarsi.

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现在我要来找海星和贝壳。Now I'm looking for a starfish. And a seashell.

我正把这些海星投回大海。I am throwing these starfish back into the ocean.

她和善地伸出手,像小海星一样放在我的膝盖上。She lays a kindly hand like a tiny starfish on my knee.

在与海星怪物作战时,他能力耗尽了。He used up all his powers fighting the starfish monster.

最后海鞘从幼虫爬了出来。Eventually, the starfish moves to the outside of the larva.

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但是星我们可以到达是在海滩上的正直海盘车。But the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach.

如果你是正确的,奥克多将用一个海星击中水母。If you are correct, Octo will hit the jellyfish with a starfish.

一开始,在它们的微小的幼虫体内带着一个甚至更为微小的海鞘。It starts out as a small larva with an even smaller starfish inside.

海星对于那些影响我们的问题也有着惊人的免疫能力。Starfish are also amazingly immune to problems that affect the rest of us.

当冰柱接触到海底时,便会逐渐形成一张“冰网”,冻结这片海底的所有海胆和海星。When it hits the seabed, a web of ice spreads killing sea urchins and starfish.

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有一天早上,一个男人沿着海滩步,那处海滩满布无数濒临死亡的海星。One morning a man was walking down a beach that was covered with dying starfish.

林大藉著海亮与海星对自己的信任,策动谋反。Linda through the sea for their bright with starfish trust, agitating the alani39.

多了闪闪海星免费送5炮等奖项,惊喜不断!More glittering starfish free to send 5 guns and other awards, constantly surprises!