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铃木伸吾于1964年出生于日本静冈县。Suzuki was born in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan in 1964.

该诉讼于11日在静冈县地方法院滨松支部进行了判决。The action on the 11th District Court in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka branch for the verdict.

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今随信奉上由"静冈号"发往香港的货物提单两张。Enclosed we hand you two Bills of Lading fo rthe goods, per m.s. "Shizuoka Maru" to Hongkong.

在东京,富岛,千叶,神奈川,静冈县均有震感。The tremor was also felt in Tokyo as well as Fukushima, Chiba, Kanagawa and Shizuoka prefectures.

在七月初静冈县举行的县长竞选中到场投票人数更是大幅增加。The increase was even more marked in the race for the governorship of Shizuoka prefecture in early July.

1909年铃木先生在静冈县滨名郡创建了铃木织机制作所,1954年改称铃木汽车工业公司。Suzuki Hamana in Shizuoka County created a Suzuki Loom Manufacturing, Automotive Industry Corporation in 1954, renamed Suzuki.

第二天,分别在挂川市政厅和静冈县政府大厅举办了新闻发布会,出席会议的记者之多使我感到惊讶。The next day I was surprised to see so many reporters attending the two press conferences held at Kakegawa City Hall and Shizuoka Prefecture Hall.

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去年夏天,因公众对大地震的担心,我曾应邀考察过静冈县的滨冈核电站。Last summer, I visited Hamaoka nuclear power plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, at the request of citizens concerned about the danger of a major earthquake.

应东京电力要求,静冈市决定向其转让现作为钓鱼公园的大型钢制浮体,2日起公园已经关闭并正准备移交。Tokyo Electric Power should be required, Shizuoka City, decide to transfer the park is a large steel fishing floats, 2 from the date of the park has been closed and is ready to transfer.

日本静冈县舞台艺术中心成立于1995年,是日本第一个拥有艺术总监、演员、专职技术人员的文化事业财团。Japan's Shizuoka Prefecture stage of the Arts Centre was established in 1995, is Japan's first artistic director has, actors, technical staff of full-time cultural undertakings consortium.

日经财经新闻日报报道,这次实验被设计成——位于静冈县和和歌山县之间,东京西南海域的一段延伸距离,历时直到2013年3月的财政年度里的几个星期。The test is scheduled for a stretch of ocean southwest of Tokyo, between Shizuoka and Wakayama prefectures, over several weeks in the fiscal year to March 2013, the Nikkei financial daily said.