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我喜欢笑剧而不喜欢惨剧。I prefer farce to tragedy.

谁干的这种蠢事Who perpetrated this farce?

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这部滑稽剧令我昏昏欲睡,一点儿也没有令人可笑之处。This farce narcotizes to me.

我发现这完全是场闹剧。I found it was totally a farce.

闹剧使观众哄堂大笑。The audience roared at the farce.

科奈叶,这出闹剧必须马上停止!Corneille this farce must stop at once!

我们决定让这出滑稽戏继续演下去。We decided to carry on with this farce.

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当然,和所有滑稽剧的结果一样的。Of course, with the result of all farce.

谁导演了美国公司造假丑剧?。Who directed the US company fraud farce?

我怀疑他们想把它演成一部闹剧。I wonder if it was intended to be a farce.

我们学校编排的戏剧倾向于喜剧和滑稽剧。Our school dramas tend towards comedy and farce.

你知道么,在我看来,这简直就是一场闹剧。You know, I think this whole damn thing is a farce.

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我得在问一遍,我们有必要让这场滑稽剧进行下去么?I ask again why must we play out this mummer's farce?

一张糖纸引出一场荒唐的闹剧。An adhesive piece of candy wrap caused a ridiculous farce.

这个计划本身广泛的被视作一场大闹剧。The project itself has been widely viewed as a total farce.

我真的很欣赏赵本山最新的滑稽戏“刘老根”。I really love enjoy Zhao Benshan's newly farce "Liu Laogen".

现在想起正在进行的这场闹剧,真的有点让人毛骨耸然了。The ongoing farce can really make our hair stand on the end.

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而Grint则在喜剧片“狂野目标”中担任主演。And Grint recently starred in the farce comedy "Wild Target".

并鼓动村里人上演“捉奸”的闹剧。And agitate village person is performed " catch evil " farce.

他最近的一个剧本与其说是一个滑稽剧,不如说是一个滑稽的悲剧。His latest play is not as much a farce as a burlesque tragedy.