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凋亡与照射剂量、时间呈依赖关系。Apoptosis had a dependance relationship with time course and doses.

在这打口井,但现在要摆脱对美国的依赖,我们能做的真的很少啊。Drill here and now will do very, very, little to end America's dependance?.

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成为自由的依赖您哮喘药及其副作用。Become as free of the dependance on your asthma medicine and its side effects.

红外和电导率随温度和成份的变化。IR and conductivity dependance on temperature and composition have been measured.

我国各行业所需果胶基本上依靠进口,增加了生产成本和资源依赖性。Pectins we need maily depend on importation, which increases production cost and resource dependance.

以交流阻抗谱技术测定了电导率及其与温度的关系。AC impedance spectroscopy technique was applied to study the conductivity and its temperature dependance.

这件物品可以减低你对疯狂面具的依赖程度并带来不少的攻击速度加成,并且没有什么大的缺点。This item reduces your dependance on MoM and gives you a source of IAS that doesn't have such a huge drawback.

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结论重症先天性心脏病手术期间存在病理性氧供依赖。Conclusions There is pathological oxygen supply dependance in the patients with several congenital cardiac disease.

中国对石油的依存度不断提高,未来可能的能源短缺有可能限制汽车市场的发展。China's increasing dependance on oil, and possible energy shortages in the future, may restrict the development of the car market.

系统地研究了绿光吸收系数对于生长气氛和源棒浓度的依赖关系。Dependance of green absorption coefficients on growth atmosphere and source rod concentration has been symmetrically investigated.

依赖是不可避免的自然结果。它不可能是那些可能被舍弃的东西,而是联结伟大亲情的一种情感的表达。Dependance is the inevitable corollary and not something to be shed as possible but the expression of strong family bonds of affection.

共和国各种制度中最显著的特征之一也来自始“审问处”的依附于“民会”。One of the most remarkable peculiarities of the institutions of the Republic is also traceable to this dependance of the Quaestiones on the Comitia.

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实时3D图形引擎的研究与实现,将逐步解决大部分依赖国外引擎的现状,对国内3D引擎的技术推动有较大的作用,具有较高的研究价值。The study and implement of the real-time 3D graph engine will solve the actuality of the dependance of foreign engine, and promote domestic 3D engine technology, it has great study value.

发现添加少量F2311即可有效改善其力学性能,在NVT系综下温度对于力学性能的影响并不显著。The results show that the mechanical properties ofp-HMX can be improved by adding a little amount of F2311, and the temperature dependance of the mechanical properties is inapparent at NVT ensemble.