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是否需要扩展内陆运输险?Do you need "Inland Transit" Endorsement?

该名单仍然有待皇室的批准。The lineup is still pending royal endorsement.

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民主主义者通常都得到工会的支持。A democrat usually gets the union's endorsement.

“比暴徒还要差劲”,这样是不会被认可的。"Compares badly to the mob" is not an endorsement.

红印章背书允许跨省流动的。The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.

经部长同意该计划被揭橥于众。The plan was unveiled with the endorsement from the Minister.

愿我们的努力得到各界朋友的支持和认可。We would like to be friends with the support and endorsement.

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加到价单所列所有价格的签注栏。C. "No-Show Charge apply" to add in all fares endorsement box.

不认可所有的风投。Not a sweeping endorsement of all crowdsourced venture capital.

这是一个延续,但如果让泰格·伍兹开着凯迪拉克,这看起来的确是个不错的代言。It's a stretch, but Tiger in a Cadillac is a plausible endorsement.

第二部分,分析明星虚假代言行为民事责任问题。Part two. The problem of civil liability star of false endorsement.

天主事工会得到了梵帝冈的完全认可和恩准。The group enjoyed the full endorsement and blessing of the Vatican.

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名人代言近些年来已变得越来越盛行。Celebrity endorsement has become increasingly prevalent in recent years.

麦凯恩赢得了前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼的支持。McCain won the endorsement of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.

背书时附有条件的,所附条件不具有汇票上的效力。Any conditions attached to the endorsement shall have no effect of a bill.

票据委任背书是典型的非转让背书。Endorsement of collection is one kind of the non-transferable endorsement.

承上题,为什麽令你留下深刻的印象?。Continue above question, how the endorsement make deep impressions for you?

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个人护理产品获得总统的支持可不常见。It's not often that a personal-care product gets a presidential endorsement.

平和IB校友会是上海平和双语学校官方认可的校友组织。The Alumni Association receives full endorsement from Shanghai Pinghe School.

作为一个企业领导人,没有董事会的支持是不会成功的。As a business leader, you can't succeed without the endorsement of your board.