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肋间神经痛呈阵发性的灼痛或刺痛。Intercostal neuralgia causes paroxysmal burning pain or pricking pain.

我的心在第五肋间左锁骨中线5厘米处为你跳动。My heart is in the fifth left intercostal clavicle middle5cm beat for you.

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吸气时肋间肌收缩,提起肋骨。During inhalation , contraction of the intercostal muscles elevates the ribs.

目的探讨肋间神经鞘瘤的诊断特点。Objective To probe the characters of the diagnosis of intercostal schwannoma.

病患之病况在插入胸管治疗后立即稳定下来。His clinical condition improved after the insertion of an intercostal chest tube.

肋间肌受累则呼吸困难,讲话声音小无力。Intercostal muscles involved are breathing difficulties, speech sound small and weak.

方法对2例肋间神经鞘瘤患者的临床诊断资料进行回顾性分析。Methods Retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 2 cases intercostal schwannoma.

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疼痛通过第七肋间神经而放射到右肩胛的尖端。The pain usually radiates to the tip of the right scapula via the seventh intercostal nerve.

肋片由肋腹板、缘条组成,它是由整块缝编层合板剪裁加工制成。Intercostal is made from web and flanges, and is tailored from a whole knitted-stitched laminate plate.

目的探讨肋间动脉栓塞在经导管栓塞治疗咯血中的临床价值。Objective To discuss the clinical value of intercostal arterial embolization for the treatment of hemoptysis.

在30具成年尸体上,对左侧第八、九、十肋间后动脉及冠状动脉的后降支和边缘支进行了观测。Using 30 adult cadavers, we dissected and measured the left posterior intercostal artery and the coronary artery.

目的探讨肋间动脉栓塞在动脉栓塞治疗咯血中的价值。Objective To assess the value of the additional intercostal arterial embolization in the management of hemoptysis.

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脊神经后支伴随肋间后动脉的分支或腰动脉的分支穿过背阔肌远端。Dorsal spinal artery penetrated distal latissimus dorsi with a branch of the intercostal or lumbar artery branches.

结论肋间神经冷冻止痛是一种可靠的镇痛方法。Conclusion Freezing intercostal nerves is an effective and reliable way to prevent intense chest pain after thoracotomy.

以上分支沿途分出肋间前动脉的肋软骨支和剑突支。The branches sent along the way up the branch of costal cartilage and the branch of xiphoid at intercostal anterior artery.

可设计以第10、11肋间神经前支为神经蒂的感觉脐旁皮瓣。Conclusions It is possible to design an sensate paraumbilical flap with the anterior branch of the 10th or 11th intercostal nerve.

呼气时,横隔膜和肋间肌放松,使胸腔变小、气压变大,空气于是释出。To exhale, your diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, making the chest cavity smaller. The pressure goes up and air rushes out.

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方法113例乳腺癌患者均接受不同术式的根治术及经肋间隙内乳淋巴结活检术。Methods Modified radical mastectomy and incised intercostal muscles for internal mammary node biopsy was performed on 113 patients.

即使在钙化不十分显著时也可出现胸膜增厚区轻度密度增高,尤其是肋间肌下的胸膜。Often, een when not grossly calcified, asbestos-related areas of pleural thickening appear slightly denser that adjacent intercostal muscles.

即使在钙化不十分显著时也可出现胸膜增厚区轻度密度增高,尤其是肋间肌下的胸膜。Often, even when not grossly calcified, asbestos-related areas of pleural thickening appear slightly denser that adjacent intercostal muscles.