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伊斯兰教的信徒或追随者。A believer or follower of Jainism.

耆那教的兴起几乎与佛教处于同一时代。The rise of the Jainism and Buddhism almost at the same times.

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耆那教以不害为判断一切行为的准则。In Jainism ahimsa is the standard by which all actions are judged.

佛教思想对印度影响重大。即使是信众一直不多的耆那教也对印度有影响。Buddhist ideas have heavily influenced India. Even jainism even though it was never in big numbers.

耆那教的一些教义类似于印度教,但是这种宗教没有普及到印度以外。Some tenets of Jainism are similar to those of Hinduism, but the religion hasn't spread far beyond India.

我继续研读印度教和佛教当我偶然发现了一种不太知名的宗教,耆那教。I continued to read about Hinduism and Buddhism when I stumbled upon a lesser known religion called Jainism.

梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、佛教和耆那教的祭礼语言。Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

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梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、教和耆那教的祭礼语言。Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism , Buddhism, and Jainism.

所以耆那教认为动植物和非生物体内均有灵魂存在,不能任意伤害。Therefore, Jainism and the plants and animals that are non-biological in vivo existence of the soul, not arbitrary harm.

在他们看来农夫犁地也会伤害虫类等生物,所以耆那教徒从事商业、贸易或工业的较多。In their eyes will hurt farmers ploughing Insects such as biological, Jainism followers in the business, trade or industry more.

不仅如此,这个国度还是全球最古老的宗教起源地,从印度教、佛教、耆那教到锡克教等都发源于此。Not only that, the country is a home which has the oldest religion of the global—Hincluism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism amongst others.

说来奇怪,虽然这两个宗教都是由印度教演变而来,但其中只有佛教流传到全亚洲,而耆那教的传布并没有超出印度之外。But it was a strange thing that although these two religions got out of the Hindu fold, only Buddhism could spread all over Asia. Jainism could not spread out of India.