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赤平极射投影还要有其他的作图方法加以补充。The stereographic projection must be supplemented by other constructions.

本文介绍一种绘制极射赤面投影的程序。The program for plotting of stereographic projection is introduced in this paper.

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关于投影几何,他带来的有椭圆投影、球极投影、平行正投影和透视法等。What he introduced included oval projection, stereographic projection, analemma and scenography etc.

法线使用平射投影,深度为16位数值,并被放进两个8位通道中。Normals are encoded using Stereographic projection, and depth is 16 bit value packed into two 8 bit channels.

将热源及冷源分布在绘有北半球极赤射面投影地图的底面上。The heat and cold sources are distributed at the stereographic projection map of Northern Hemisphere on the dishpan bottom.

准确地说,是地球的一小块,被做进了四幅照片球极平面投影而成的一个“小小行星”。More specifically, it is a small part of the Earth incorporated into a four image stereographic "Little Planet " projection.

为了准确地描述这些块体并进行稳定分析,提出赤平极射投影作图法。To describe those blocks and analyze their stabilities, the stereographic projection diagram method is developed and employed.

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根据试样表面滑移线的方向,在极图上确定滑移面。From the stereographic plots of the slip line directions measured around the specimen surface, the slip planes were determined.

基于球极投影保持PH性质这一特性,通过球极投影把球面数据投影到平面上,构造一条平面PH曲线。Under the stereographic projection, the initial data on the sphere are projected to a plane. A planar PH curve is then constructed.

按照立交模式的观点,它反映了下岩石圈中剪切蠕滑断层的运动。According to the stereographic cross model, the second type of migration reflects the shear-creep fault movement beneath the lithosphere.

基于球极投影保持PH性质这一特性,通过球极投影把球面数据投影到平面上,构造一条平面PH曲线。Based on the stereographic projection that preserves Pythagorean-Hodographs, a spherical rational PH curve is constructed to solve this problem.

用分散性指标K表示块体滑动面的分散性,由此分析滑动摩擦圆的出现概率,并表示在结构面赤平投影图上。We use K to analyze the probability of occurrence of sliding friction circle, and demonstrates it in the structural plane stereographic projection.

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投影能以任何方式、任意角度旋转,因此,可以输出所要求的任意一种取向的菊池衍射花样。Since the stereographic projection may be rotated with any method and any angle, kikuchi diffraction patterns of any desired orientation can be output.

根据赤平投影的成图原理,利用数学解析的方法,可直接求解有关线与面的组合关系。According to the mapping principle of stereographic projection, the combinatorial relationships of line and plane can be solved by use of mathematic analysis.

根据边坡及优势结构面的产状,利用赤平极射投影,结合优势结构面理论方法,对边坡稳定性进行了分析。According to the attitude of the slope and preferred structural plane, the stereographic projection and preferred plane theory are used to analyze the slope stability.

赤平极射投影可将三维空间内的几何要素投影到平面上进行研究,用它来解析岩质边坡的稳定性具有独特的优势。Stereographic projection can project geometric factors in thin-dimensional spare onto a plane for study, which has unique advantages in analysis of rock slope stability.

本文先采用赤平极射投影法和平面滑动法分析该边坡,初步判断处于不稳定状态,需加固。In this paper, it begins with Stereographic projection method and flat-panel sliding method for analyzing the slope stability. The results show that slope needs reinforcement.

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这些建筑依山就势,或立于峰峦之巅,或悬于峭崖之壁,或隐于深壑之中,浑然天成,仿佛一幅立体的丹青长卷。Buildings standing at the top of peaks, overhanging the steep cliff or hiding in the deep valleys, naturally integrate into the surroundings to form a stereographic long scroll.

SSD显示真性主动脉瘤最优,能立体、形象的显示动脉瘤大小、形态、部位及与主要分支的关系。SSD was the best choice for displaying the stereographic features of true aortic aneurysm, such as its size, three dimensional shape, location and its relation with main arterial branches.

借助虚拟现实技术发展的成果,结合计算机立体显示技术,研究开发了双目成像法内窥镜立体显示技术。By means of technological development of virtual reality and in combination with computer stereo display technology, we developed a dual eye stereographic display system for use in electro endoscope.