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你的话也许会伤她的自尊。Your words may injure her pride.

你的话也许会伤她的自尊。Your remark may injure her pride.

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小心,别伤了自己!Take care, and not injure oneself!

我们最好别伤男人的自尊心。We'd better not injure a man's pride.

我们是怕你伤自尊心。We are afraid to injure your self-esteem.

你不会伤害我的,林惇,你会吗?You wouldn't injure me, Linton, would you?

不能伤害小孩的自尊心。We shouldn't injure children's self-esteem.

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颓圮的墙,还有,杂草丛生的墙角。Decadent injure the walls, and, weedy corner.

镖弹可能伤到咽喉、眼睛、生殖器。Darts can injure the throat, eyes, or genitals.

头部撞击能够损伤或撕裂嗅神经。A head blow can injure or tear olfactory nerves.

能不比吗?大家都别伤了和气。Can we not compete? We don't injure our harmony.

请尽量不要伤害到树木和植物的根系。Try not to injure the roots of trees and plants.

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藤沙发用普通洗涤剂刷洗,会损伤藤条。Cany sofa uses common scour scrub, can injure cane.

不要让晓晓帝聩执损伤一份伟大地友情。Don t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

不要让小小的争执损伤一份伟大的友情。Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

我的意思是说,我敢肯定没人要故意打伤他。I mean to say, I'm sure nobody intended to injure him.

不受控制的高血压可伤害或置你于死地。Uncontrolled high blood pressure can injure or kill you.

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不要让好奇心和疏忽大意伤害到自己甚至丢了性命。Do not let curiosity and carelessness kill or injure you.

因此梨果采收一定要确保无伤采摘。So pear fruits must be ensured from injure during picking.

颅脑损伤是颌面骨折最常见的合并伤。Craniocerebral injury is the most common associated injure.