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那只黑猫不停地用白爪子跺地。The black cat kept drubbing on the ground with its white paws.

但面对2005年那场选举的完败,冈田首先要做的是获得支持者的原谅。He will first need to be forgiven for having led the DPJ into a resounding election drubbing in 2005.

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从捧打恢复的阿根廷他们拿了对挣值得的17-14的所有黑人在肯尼亚上赢。Argentina recovered from the drubbing they took against the All Blacks to earn a deserved 17-14 win over Kenya.

1994年欧冠决赛米兰4-0痛击巴萨,乃是无畏的战术杰作。Milan's 4-0 drubbing of Barcelona in the 1994 European Cup final was an astoundingly courageous tactical masterpiece.

强势的左翼政党在自由派的对抗中得到了他们40年来最大的败绩。Its powerful left-wing parties campaigned against liberalization and got their worst drubbing at the polls in 40 years.

三天前,Angela的政府联盟在德国梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚的国家选举中遭到了打击。Three days earlier Angela Merkel's coalition government got a drubbing in state elections in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.

古野和江川带兵冲出破庙时,迎头便遭到铁峰等人的痛击。The ancient wild and jiangchuan troops rushed out of the ruined temple, head-on and drubbing by the iron peak and others.

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更多喜悦是之后在2007年11月的冠军联赛小组赛阶段上演了帽子戏法,红军那场比赛8-0狂屠贝西克塔斯。More cup joy followed in November 2007 with a hat-trick in an 8-0 drubbing of Besiktas in the Champions League group stages.

读者们可能还记得我在4个月前的专栏中谈到我的退休账户在股市崩盘中遭受了重创。Readers may remember a column I wrote four months ago about the drubbing my retirement accounts took in the stock-market crash.

然而对施韦因富德第二次空袭的惨重损失迫使美国人对其航空战略进行反思。Nevertheless, the second terrible drubbing over Schweinfurt in October forced a fundamental rethinking of American air strategy.

英格兰方面,工党避免了在议会选举中惨败的预想,但它最终还是失去了一些席位,尽管没有执政党托利党失去的席位那么多。In England Labour avoided the drubbing that was expected in council elections. It still lost seats, though not as many as the ruling Tories.

在克鲁伊夫的“梦之队”面前,赛前没几个人对米兰抱太大希望,然而,红黑军团在雅典用一场4-0的痛扁彻底击昏了加泰罗尼亚人。Facing Johan Cruyff's "Dream Team" few gave Milan much hope prior to kick-off yet the Rossoneri stunned the Catalans in a 4-0 drubbing in Athens.

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那是一次欠考虑的参选,我输的很惨——惨败唤醒了我,人生不会如你计划般的按部就班。It was an ill-considered race, and I lost badly—the sort of drubbing that awakens you to the fact that life is not obliged to work out as you'd planned.

而利物浦唯一的保持零失球就是他们在9月份4比0战胜伯恩利和斯托克城,但是贝尼特斯自信这样的局面会有所改变。The only time the Reds have kept a clean sheet with them in the middle was in the 4-0 drubbing of Burnley in September, but Benitez is confident that is about to change.

在以85比63狂洗塞尔维亚的决赛中,加索尔的延续了自己的良好发挥,他独得18分11个篮板外加3次盖帽。Gasol's performance in the final game, an 85-63 drubbing of Serbia, was consistent with his production throughout as he led Spain with 18 points, 11 rebounds and three blocks.

2002年,阿根廷被视为那届世界杯夺冠的最大热门,但造化弄人,阿根廷小组赛后便铩羽而归,巴蒂最后一场比赛后在场边伤心的泪水,感动了全世界数以亿计的球迷…In 2002, even though with the most expectations for its championship, Argentina just took a drubbing in the group stage. And Baty's bitter tears touched the hearts of billions in the world.

弗格森吧周六的败仗和1994年著名的诺坎普0-4之败给巴萨来比较,得出一个结论来重新定义球队在欧冠赛中的战绩。Ferguson compared Saturday's loss to the famous 4-0 drubbing United received from Barcelona at the Nou Camp in 1994, a result which helped redefine his team's approach to European competitions.

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在与米堡队的足总杯比赛后,他被选为天空电视台当场最佳最佳球员,他在曼联的第一粒进球帮助球队在1月16日6比2完胜莱切斯特。He picked up the Sky Man of the Match award in the FA Cup game against Middlesbrough and scored his first goal for the club in a 6-2 drubbing of Leicester City at Filbert Street on the 16th January.