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字体渲染也很乱。Font rendering was a mess.

用于所有渲染的着色器脚本。Shader scripts used for all rendering.

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建筑工人正在给墙抹底灰。The builders were rendering the walls.

泥瓦工正在墙上抹灰。The plasterers were rendering the walls.

设置一个矩阵用于像素矫正渲染。Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering.

使用局部页面呈现事件。Working with Partial-Page Rendering Events.

它嵌入了WebKit的做布局和渲染。It embeds Webkit to do layout and rendering.

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另一个选择是盲文翻译设备。Another option is a Braille rendering device.

我仍然说,体素渲染更有效。I still say Voxel rendering is more efficient.

水泥类含纤维的增强抹灰砂浆。Cement based fiber reinforced rendering mortar.

产品的纹理贴图和渲染。Creature Texturing and Rendering for Production.

固定的阿格纳跳代码解析翻译阶段。Fixed AGEN skip code in parse stage of rendering.

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这些元素不会导致任何特殊呈现。These elements do not cause any special rendering.

另一个问题是渲染引擎的版本。Another issue is the versions of rendering engines.

相反,空间数据需要呈现地图。Instead, spatial data requires the rendering of maps.

在我的屏幕上不生成HTML仅仅因为噪音。Anything not rendering HTML on my screen is just noise.

Renderman是皮克斯的核心渲染技术。Pixar's RenderMan is Pixar's core rendering technology.

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另一个场景是都市风光的素描草稿。Another is a crude rendering of a metropolitan cityscape.

但是它又是对吉伯特书中内容的另一个忠实的表现。But it's otherwise a faithful rendering of Gilbert's text.

我需要一个自动除雪系统3D渲染。I need a 3D rendering of an Automated Snow Removal System.