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再次重申,讲道不可能包括解经查考的所有内容。Again, it will be impossible to include everything from the exegetical study.

这些是约翰福音的研究者,争论很多的一些注解性问题。These are big exegetical problems that the Gospel of John poses and scholars argue about.

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我也应该说这种注释技巧,并非犹太人独有。I should also say this exegetical technique I'm talking about was not special to the Jews.

就像我之前提及的一样,我对此要比之前的,阅读资料解释的更多一些I'm going to, as I've mentioned before, be a bit more exegetical than is normally the case for our readings.

文学史研究所要做的工作首先应该是朴学的工作和史学的工作,然后才是文学的工作和美学的工作。The study of literary history is first of all exegetical and historiographical and then literary and aesthetic.

词典释义是建立在传统训诂之上的更为严格、更为科学的训诂。Defining terms in the dictionaries is a more strict and scientific exegetical study based on the traditional one.

这里存在一个解释问题,这里的“女人“是指,独立的担任执事的女人吗?Now there's an exegetical problem, does this "women" refer to women who would themselves independently be deacons?

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黄生训诂成就的取得,与其所运用的训诂方法和治学精神及其学术根底密切相关。Huang's exegetical achievements are directly bound up with his exegetical methods, his scholarly spirit and his academic foundation.

他应首先把经文的解经查考和讲道的释经解说结合起来。He should begin by incorporating information from his exegetical study of the sermon text into the exposition portions of the sermon.

传道人在讲道前仍然要做解经的研究,包括阐述讲章的经文。The preacher should still do an exegetical study of the passages before preaching, and include an exposition of the texts in his sermon.

当然,在释经与争论的场合中,加尔文是为奥古斯丁的神的主权和预定的教义辩护的。Of course, Calvin defended an Augustinian doctrine of God's sovereignty and predestination when exegetical and polemical occasion required.

这意味着对原文的希腊文和希伯来文进行经文的解经研究。你在希腊文课上已经学习了解经的10个步骤。This means an exegetical study of the text from the original Greek or Hebrew. You have learned the 10 steps of exegesis in your Greek classes.

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它是一段鼓励的话,是布道,用了希腊化的犹太风格…演讲风格且修辞华丽,及希腊化的犹太注释技巧。It is a word of encouragement though,it's a sermon, it uses Hellenistic Jewish style--speech styles and rhetoric and Hellenistic Jewish exegetical techniques.

训诂材料在汉语词汇史研究中的价值最大,在汉语语音史和汉语语法史研究中的价值也不可估量。The exegetical materials are the most valuable in the study of vocabulary history, and so is it in the research of Chinese pronunciation history and Chinese grammar history.

它也可能是个非犹太人写的,那人碰巧受到过良好的犹太教经文教育,并且也学了这种犹太人的注释技巧,并且用了这种技巧。It could have been written by a Gentile who just happens to be very well educated in Jewish scripture and has picked up also this Jewish exegetical kind of technique, which is what he uses.

在训诂实践中,他们过分强调“因声求义”的积极作用,致使“转语”方法论误入唯心主义伪科学的陷阱。In exegetical practice, these scholars overstress the role of understanding the meaning by pronunciation and accordingly "Zhuangyu" methodology falls into the trap of idealist pseudoscience.

我们应该将汉语史研究和训诂学研究有机结合起来,充分发挥训诂材料在汉语史研究中的作用。We should give full play to the exegetical materials in the research of Chinese language history, with organic combination of the research of Chinese language history with the exegetical studies.