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我们把众议院立法这道茶倒入参议员这个茶杯来冷却。We pour House legislation into the senatorial saucer to cool it.

当时卫星的议员代表是年轻的春竹琦。The moon's Senatorial representative at the time was young Riyo Chuchi.

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当时这颗卫星在银河议会的代表是年轻的丽尤·丘奇。The moon's Senatorial representative at the time was young Riyo Chuchi.

在最终电影里,这个议会“福图纳”没有出现。In the finished film, this senatorial "Fortuna" did not appear on screen.

他们迁都至旧的帝国宫殿,而且重新建立了参议会制度。They moved the capital to the old Imperial Palace, and reinstated senatorial rule.

在为之奉献了25年的脱口秀工作中退休后,坊间流传她即将实现她的议员梦。As she retires from her talk show after 25 years, there are rumours of senatorial ambitions.

潘托拉德议院代表,里奥·竹崎,在奇卓死后重开谈判。Pantora's Senatorial representative, Riyo Chuchi, took over negotiations after Chi Cho's death.

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共和党参议院全国委员会对此广告的内容负责。The National Republican Senatorial Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

根据负责他的朋友和参议员候选人,他的使命是树立的东西,直。Under the charge of his friend and a senatorial candidate, his mission is to set things straight.

参议员任期6年,每两年参议院三分之一的席位重选。The senatorial term is six years, and every two years one-third of the Senate stands for election.

凯撒的胜利削弱了议会军,巩固了其对罗马共和国的统治。The victory of Caesar weakened the Senatorial forces and solidified his control over the Republic.

康克林指控加菲尔德总统没有遵守“参议员礼遇惯例”的政策。Conkling charged that President Garfield had failed to observe the policy of "Senatorial Courtesy".

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康克林职责加菲尔德没有遵从参议员礼遇政策。Conkling charged that President Garfield had failed to observe the policy of " Senatorial Courtesy".

当议会里斗争发生的时候,他这浪漫牧歌的进行只好暂时停顿下来。The progress of his idyl suffered a check when the great senatorial fight came on in the Legislature.

康克林指控加菲尔德总统没有遵守“参议员礼遇惯例”的政策。Conkling chargedthethat President Garfield had failed to observe the policy of " Senatorial Courtesy".

而杜库也很钦佩他的勤奋好学和对待助理工作的那股认真劲。Dooku admired how hard he studied and the fact that he took the job of a Senatorial aide so seriously.

潘托拉星系是银河共和国的一部分,在科洛桑有全职的议员代表。The Pantoran system is part of the Galactic Republic with full Senatorial representation on Coruscant.

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事实上,在克隆人战争期间,所有跟议会或科洛桑行政机构有关的事物都是这个颜色。This became the de facto color for all things Senatorial or Coruscant executive during the Clone Wars.

有七名民主党人和八名共和党人分别为争取成为本党提名人展开角逐。Seven Democrats and eight Republicans contested their respective party’s primary for the senatorial nomination.

与实际状况相比,所有参议院办公室的预算和预期,以及其他分析都在迅速增加。Budgets and projections for all the Senatorial offices, comparing them to actuals, plus other analysis, add up fast.