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在屋顶,驯鹿停下了他的脚步。Up on the housetop reindeer pause.

他由屋顶跳下。He precipitated himself from the housetop.

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他倒在屋顶仿佛从一个下降的沙子。He fell on the sand as if dropped from a housetop.

主要用于屋顶天窗、阳台窗。Basically use at window of housetop scuttle, balcony.

我用双手遮住你,咱们的屋顶便是那蓝蓝的天。I shall cover you with both my hands, and our housetop will be the blue sky.

在房上的,不要下来拿家里的东西。Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house

进门,我相信你一定会对这样的屋顶设计赞叹不已。Take the door, I believe you can are opposite certainly such housetop design praises greatly.

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站在屋顶上,我揭露了你们中的伪君子、势利眼、骗子、像水泡一般华而不实的庸人。From the housetop I proclaimed you hypocrites, Pharisees, tricksters , false and empty earth-bubbles.

屋子有两层楼,洁白的墙和灰色的屋顶之间是紫色的像缎带一样的屋檐。The house is two-storeyed. Between the snow-white walls and the grey housetop are ribbon-like eaves in purple.

平底锅很巧妙地挂在从屋顶上吊下来的一个架子上,伸手就可以拿到。Pan is hanged ably on a frame that comes down from housetop hang oneself, stretch his hand to be able to be taken.

汉斯在屋顶上装了炸药,企图把人质和联邦调查局的营救直升机一同炸掉。Hans made up in housetop dynamite, the purpose mixes hostage of the FBI rescue helicopter together scamper is dropped.

扣好扣子是关好屋门,戴上一顶漂亮的帽子,等于将自己的屋顶修饰一新。Button button is to close fine house door, wear a beautiful hat, be equal to the housetop oneself to be decorated anew.

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屋顶为双梁,富于几何美感,五扇格子窗和一固定五角玻璃窗正面对着波涛汹涌的大海。Housetop is Shuang Liang, abound geometrical aesthetic feeling, 5 grille and secure 5 horn glazing to facing surfy sea.

在房上的,不要下来,也不要进去拿家里的东西。And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house

我院体育馆采用网架屋面,这种屋面具有重量轻、强度高、周期短、安装方便等优点。Net-Frame housetop with strongpoint of light weight, high intension, short periods, easy installation, is used in my college.

第二天,他们行路将近那城,彼得约在午正,上房顶去祷告。On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour

主卧和主卫的斜屋顶最低点都是定制了老榆木储藏柜,保证居室整体风格的协调。Advocate lie and advocate defended inclined housetop nadir is custom-built ark of deposit of old Yu wood, assure the harmony of bedroom whole style.

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无数的机械设备预示着,将来有一天,我们在密室中的低语,将会如同在屋顶大声宣告一般。Countless mechanical equipment are adumbrative, in the future one day, we are in the murmur in penetralia , will as be in housetop proclaims aloud general.

在夏季炎热地区,通常采用空斗墙和屋顶架空空气层的方法来达到隔热的目的。In the summer burning hot area, use the method that fights wall and layer of air of housetop built on stilts for nothing to achieve adiabatic goal normally.

假如您让那些曾经非常“漂亮”的腰线和阴角线“光荣退休”,也许你会发现,你家的屋顶“长高了”。If you let those once special " beautiful " lumbar line and shade horn line " retire gloriously " , perhaps you can discover, the housetop of your home " long tall ".