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一座桥横跨小河。A bridge spanned the rill.

这部小说跨越三个世纪。The civil-war spanned almost a century.

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李老师,圣诞节快乐。祝你桃李满天下。Li, Merry Christmas. I wish you spanned.

这个柱子有两手的指距那么粗。The post can be spanned by one 's two hands.

剩下的这段旅程有七百英里。The remaining journey spanned seven hundred miles.

她的一生几乎经历了整个。Her life spanned almost the whole of the19th century.

标题是显示在一个表格跨区每一页。The header is displayed on each page spanned by a table.

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利克莱德注意到跨越两个大陆的阿帕网。Licklider observed as the ARPAnet spanned two continents.

本次升级的规划还是很复杂的,横跨了几个月。Planning for this upgrade was quite involved and spanned a few months.

一个文件系统横跨两个卷,用于事务日志数据。A file system that spanned two volumes was allocated for transaction log data.

直升机在头上嗡嗡做响,侦查着地面的破坏情况。Helicopters buzzed overhead, surveying the destruction that spanned the horizon.

露哈知道沙海绵延超过二万五千平方英里。Ruha knew that the sand sea spanned more than twenty-¬five thousand square miles.

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该研究跨越过去几年并且涉及50家以上早期实践企业。The study spanned the last couple years and more than 50 early adopter enterprises.

这种不确定性是由若干已知常数矩阵所张成的凸锥构成的。The uncertainties form a convex cone spanned by a number of known constant matrixes.

普渡大学的研究者发现了一个超级大窝,幅原广阔,横跨整个街区。A study at Purdue University found one supercolony that spanned an entire city block.

他对癌症持续15年的研究终于取得了极大的进展。His research in cancer that spanned 15 years has made considerable headway in the end.

博厄斯自己的研究涉及了北美人类学的整个领域。Boas's own research spanned the scope of anthropology in its North American definition.

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慕拉诺岛的玻璃吹制技术,在15世纪中到16世纪中期间,是一个辉煌的创新时期。Murano’s great age of technical innovation spanned the mid-15th to the mid-16th century.

他的父亲劳埃德•布里奇斯从影60年,拍摄了100多部电影。His father was actor Lloyd Bridges, whose career spanned 60 years and more than 100 films.

在第一和第二舞台之间,有一个楼梯结构横跨于乐池之上。Between the first and second stage the orchestra pit is spanned by a stairway construction.