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我全身都痒。I tickle all over.

还有在那里给脚趾挠痒痒?And where to tickle toes?

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而是tickle,这是镁。It's tickle. This is mag.

这些粗床单使人发痒。These rough sheets tickle.

你会给一只猿挠痒痒吗?Would you tickle a gorilla?

第一部分挠痒痒了!挠痒痒了!Part One Tickle, tickle, tickle.

——不然我就用脚后跟给你挠痒痒!lest I tickle thee with my heel!

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你走的时候,你的脚趾弄得我好痒。Your toes tickle me when you walk.

爱是挠痒痒,唤醒她!Love is waking her up with a tickle.

我喜欢风吹痒痒我头发的感觉I like to feel the wind tickle my hair

搔痒娃娃就是分人工智能界的ENIAC始祖计算机。Tickle Me Elmo is the ENIAC of fractional AI.

我对触觉太敏感了,以至于“胳肢”都能伤害到我。I am so sensitive to touch that a tickle hurts me.

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如果你没意识到你要去逗她。If you didn't realize you were going to tickle her.

或许我很古怪,但这些标题的确雷到我了。Perhaps I'm weird, but those titles really tickle me.

可能她不想让你去逗她。well perhaps she didn't want you to tickle her tummy.

或者只是挠他的痒痒直到他笑得脸都红了。Or just tickle a kid until he is beet red from laughter.

她需要开士米羊毛的标签来增加年龄的魅力。She needs the tickle of cashmere to enchant for the ages.

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要挠哪里才行,你挠自己会感到痒吗Where do you have to tickle them? Can you tickle yourself?

适用于脚气、脚癣、脚痒等真菌感染。Adapt to treat dermatophytosis, athlete's foot and feet tickle.

所以自己给自己哈痒仍有可能,只不过需要依靠遥控器。So it is possible to tickle yourself—but only by remote control.