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在他们身后,凉亭已经闪起了火光。Behind them the summerhouse and gazebo were already ablaze.

但是最让我们引以自豪的是夏舍里的第二个春天。But mostly we gloried in our second spring at the summerhouse.

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闹中取静的凉亭颇有几分雅致。An elegant summerhouse where you can find tranquility in a hustling surrounding.

NM别墅为一座独户夏日住宅,坐落在森林环抱的草地中央。VilLA NM is a single family summerhouse situated on a plot with panoramic views of forests and meadows.

这可能是租用时间在社会,高档度假区,促进各方和乐趣的凉亭。It may be time to rent a summerhouse in a social, upscale resort-type area that promotes parties and fun.

这座造型简单的避暑别墅是为一位收藏家而建,位于林立的古树之间,靠近奥地利首都维也纳。Th is simple summerhouse built for a collector is situated amongst numerous old trees on a property near Vienna.

这座住宅位于外斯德哥尔摩群岛,以木材和玻璃创造出轻质通透的感觉。Conceived as a light weight construction in wood and glass, this summerhouse is built in the outer Stockholm archipelago.

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这是在“凉亭”的对话,一个一本正经的高层人士所去的餐厅,离他纽约上东区的豪宅不远。This was in The Summerhouse , a discreetly upscale restaurant just down the street from his townhouse on the Upper East Side.

庭园的周围有可供人们休憩的场所,像是凉亭那个坐落在西翼前方草坪的华美砖砌建筑物。Around the grounds' periphery are places where people can rest, such as the summerhouse , an ornate brick structure on the west front lawn.

这个词最初的意思是指用于休闲活动的小别墅、凉亭或者大帐篷,通常是地面上的大型意大利式的乡村别墅或者豪华邸宅。The term originally meant a small villa, summerhouse or pavilion built for pleasure, usually on the grounds iof a larger Italian villa or palazzo.

有一个出色律师正处于事业顶峰。他在郊外有一所理想的度假别墅,一年中他总会去住上几周。An extraordinary lawyer who was at the peak of this career has an ideal summerhouse on the outskirts, in which he retreated for several weeks of the year.

书上的注释说,楼台指的是凉亭,可引申为民族主义运动,“甚至整个现世世界The footnote to your Norton here suggests that the gazebo is a summerhouse and by extension it's quite an extension the nationalist movement, and then, "even the whole temporal world."

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书上的注释说,楼台指的是凉亭,可引申为民族主义运动,“甚至整个现世世界“The footnote to your Norton here suggests that the gazebo is a summerhouse and by extension it's quite an extension the nationalist movement, and then, "even the whole temporal world."