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我很少射篮。I rarely shoot.

很少买新衣服。Rarely buy new clothes.

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我的工作很少令人烦厌。My job is rarely boring.

犯人们很少越狱。Prisoners rarely escape.

要知道我们很少出国。YSK we rarely go abroad.

自行车很少让他失望。Bikes rarely let him down.

我们很少请人照看孩子。We rarely hire babysitters.

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我很少遇上埃尔登先生。Rarely did I meet Mr. Eldon.

他难得回我的信。He rarely answers my letters.

该情况很少发生。This situation rarely occurs.

大本钟很少出纰谬。Big Ben has rarely gone wrong.

但是,手术治愈很少能去根。But surgery rarely cures them.

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但皮疹很少导致死亡。The rashes rarely cause death.

“很少”这里都是委婉的说法。"Rarely" is a euphemism there.

但是哈里很少去追问。But Harry rarely goes questing.

非也,这就是难得一求的雾凇!No, this is rarely asked scenes!

圈禁的熊猫很少交配。Pandas rarely mate in captivity.

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我很少会感到无话可写。I rarely feel like I can’t write.

在广庭大众中,几乎不能穿短裤。Shorts are rarely worn in public.

藏族人很少使用他们的姓。Tibetans rarely use family names.