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给我一杯高度黑麦威士忌。"Gimme a rye-high, " he said to the servitor.

仆人说,这一点岂可摆给一百人吃呢。And his servitor said, What, should I set this before an hundred men?

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仆人说,这一点岂可摆给一百人吃呢?And his servitor said, What, should I set this before an hundred men?

老先生常到一家商店买报纸,那里的工读生总是一脸的傲慢无礼,连最基本的礼貌都没有。Old man often go to a shop to buy newspaper, but the servitor is unpolite very much.

善不能由背弃宗教的人来体现,无神论者是人类的恶劣的带路人。Good cannot have an impious servitor. He who is an atheist is but a bad leader for the human race.

我们这位严肃的、受人敬重的仆人有一个缺点。为了记述的正确性,我觉得我不能不提及。Our grave and reverend servitor had one weakness to which, for the sake of historical accuracy, I feel bound to allude.

进步应当信仰上帝。善不能由背弃宗教的人来体现,无神论者是人类的恶劣的带路人。Progress should believe in God. Good cannot have an impious servitor. He who is an atheist is but a bad leader for the human race.

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我不想像一个跟班的一样,通常我希望成为一个团队的领导者或者中流砥柱。Although I am a newcomer of the company, I don't want to act like a servitor , I always want to be the leader or mainstay of a team.

“餐车第一次叫吃晚饭,”车上的一个侍者穿着雪白的围裙和短上衣,一边喊一边匆匆地穿过车厢的走道。"First call for dinner in the dining-car, " a Pullman servitor was announcing, as he hastened through the aisle in snow-white apron and jacket.

优秀勤勉忠诚老实的她,下课后为了留下做工读生,而在中华料理店打工挣生活费。She of outstanding and assiduous faithful simple minded, servitor is done to stay after finishing class, and work in China arrange inn make living cost.