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人民警察必须做到公正执法。Police must enforce law justly.

电视新闻就因为它的公正而受到了很多的批评。TV news justly receives much criticism.

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法官和法庭公正执法。Judges and law courts dispense justice justly.

在未来5年里这将是严厉的问题,也确然应该如此。In 5 years' time it could well be harsh, and justly so.

他是个公正的人,他一向行为公正。RIGHTEOUS】He is a righteous man, he always behaves justly.

他也没有什么理由可以正正当当地提出来,反对她这么做。He had nothing that he could justly urge against her doing so.

行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行。To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

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看哪、必有一王凭公义行政.必有首领藉公平掌权。Behold, a king will reign righteously And princes will rule justly.

那是那些名不虚传的英国骑兵的一半。It was the remaining half of the justly celebrated English cavalry.

我记得有些话一定会使你恨透了我。I can remember some expressions which might justly make you hate me.

统治者啊,你们果真讲正义吗?你们以公平审判人民吗?Do you rulers indeed speak justly ? Do you judge uprightly among men?

祷告该国政府运用智慧以公义治理国家。Pray that the government of Tunisia would govern justly and with wisdom.

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新奥尔良的康乐和休闲设施非常有名。Facilities for recreation and relaxation in New Orleans are justly famous.

主耶稣,帮助我们今生今世生活得无可指摘,忠诚而公义。Lord Jesus, help us to live blamelessly , devoutly, and justly in this life.

没有充分的理由,脚手架拆除过程中不可换人。Don't replace scaffolder during dismantle the scaffolding without justly reason.

所有这一切都开始影响到意大利那应受到赞誉的生活质量。All these things are beginning to affect Italy's justly acclaimed quality of life.

突尼西亚─祷告该国政府运用智慧以公义治理国家。Tunisia – Pray that the government of Tunisia would govern justly and with wisdom.

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你们不要克扣他人所应得的财物。你们不要在地方上为非作歹,摆弄是非。And withhold not things justly due to men, nor do evil in the land, working mischief.

伯莎完全有理由发火,她丈夫应该看到她在熟睡。Bertha was quite justly annoyed that her husband should have caught her napping soundly.

所以那些战俘,并非以正义之名掳获,或是天生就要被奴役。So, those who are captured in war, cannot be assumed to be justly or naturally enslaved.