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比如,我有一个立体声音响I've got a stereo.

还记得音响的例子吗Remember my stereo?

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我扔下音响I dropped my stereo.

他的立体声收录机接地了。His stereo is earthed.

看看我新买的立体音响。Check out my new stereo.

此外,6立体声辅助返回。Also, 6 stereo Aux returns.

立体声耳机和立体声。Stereo headphones and stereos.

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他热中于他的新立体音响。He flipped over his new stereo.

请把音量开小一点,好吗?Would you turn down the stereo?

是立体声,可惜音质麻麻。Is it mono sound or stereo sound?

尼桑240sx斯特里奥接线图。April 240sx stereo wiring diagram.

我兄/弟把立体声唱机的声音开得过大。My brother plays his stereo too loud.

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这台音响你花了多少钱?How much did you give for this stereo?

我们的立体音响有点毛病。There is something wrong with our stereo.

难以承受的,混响,颤音和立体声合唱。Sustain, reverb, vibrato and stereo chorus.

隔壁的立体声音响要把我们耳朵震聋。We're being deafened by next door's stereo.

我们被隔壁的立体声音响震得耳朵发聋。We are being deafened by next door's stereo.

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我在立体音箱上放张唱片,你不介意吧?Do you mind of I play a record on the stereo?

大部分农民都有一副固定的乡巴佬形象。Most farmer have a stereo type hayseed image.

该车原配一套优质的立体声音响系统。The car comes with an excellent stereo system.