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北方民间有这么一个传说。There is a folktale in northern China.

他给我讲了个令人毛骨悚然的民间故事。The folktale he told to me is gruesome one.

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民间故事反映民众的价值观念。Folktale reflects demotic ideas about value.

这个习惯来源于古代的民间故事。This practice came from an ancient folktale.

我最喜欢的民间传说是有关一位公主和一只青蛙。My favorite folktale is about a princess and a frog.

一个情人节的故事改编自民间故事的起源不明。A Valentines' Day story adapted from a folktale of unknown origin.

其对民间故事分类、程式研究领域中的作用。As well as it classifies for folktale the role in, formula research field.

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在这个金秋的九月,菊花盛开,它使人们想起这个故事。In the golden September, chrysanthemum blooms, reminding people of the folktale.

为什么叫“龙抬头“呢?北方民间有这么一个传说。Why is it called "dragon lifting its head"? There is a folktale in northern China.

精怪叙事以其特有的个性与作为地方传统的精怪信仰密切相关。Jing-guai folktale is closely related with Jing-guai belief as the local tradition.

民间有种关于12生肖顺序的有趣传说。There is an interesting folktale about how the order of the 12 animals was determined.

叫花鸡的名字来自于一个民间传说。Beggar's chicken, or stuffed roast chicken wrapped in lotus leaves, gets its name from a folktale.

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接下来是你所知道的关于嫦娥的中国神话的英文版本。So here's an English-language version of the Chinese folktale about Change which you know already.

书面传统与口头传统在互动之中为中国精怪信仰和精怪叙事的发展作出贡献。Writing tradition and oral tradition contribute to the development of Jing-guai belief and Jing-guai folktale.

梁山伯与祝英台的故事流传千古,正是人们对于这一观点的认同。The ever-lasting folktale of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai shows people's identification with this point of view.

这是一个非洲民间故事,讲述了一只老鼠密切注意着它的四周、避免上猫的当的故事。An African folktale about a mouse who pays close attention to her surroundings and avoids being tricked by the cat.

然而,口头童话可能在文学形式童话存在之前几千年就有了,所以没有纯粹的民间传说。Yet while oral fairy tales likely existed for thousands of years before the literary forms, there is no pure folktale.

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普罗普的故事形态学研究强调了系统描写相对于发生学研究的优先性。V. Propp emphasized the priority of Systematic description relative to Genetics in his Morphological study of folktale.

“老鼠嫁女”故事是大江南北家喻户晓的民间故事,其习俗更是多彩多样。The story of "The mouse marries is daughter" is a widely known folktale in China. Its custom is also colorful and various.

这个民间故事里的人物是一个扮作男生替父从军的女儿。The character from folktale is a daughter who disguises herself as a male soldier to take her father's place in the conscription army.