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阿富汗是次要的。Afghanistan is secondary.

美国入侵阿富汗。The US invades Afghanistan.

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美国对阿富汗动兵的目的为何?What's the aim in Afghanistan?

在阿富汗我们有一个工厂。We have a factory in Afghanistan.

阿富汗巴达赫尚省的妇女Women, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan

阿富汗人口的年龄中值低于18岁。The median age in Afghanistan is under 18.

阿富汗是中国的友好邻邦。Afghanistan is a friendly neighbor of China.

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阿富汗是中国的友情邻邦。Afghanistan is a personly neighbor of China.

阿富汗是中国的友好邻邦。Afghanistan and China are friendly neighbors.

他对阿富汗和平进程毫无作用。He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan.

意大利大约有3800名士兵驻扎在阿富汗。Italy has about 3,800 soldiers in Afghanistan.

美国陷于伊拉克和阿富汗的泥潭。The US is bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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马苏德否认自己曾带钱离开阿富汗。Massoud denies taking money out of Afghanistan.

同样的过程今天正在阿富汗进行。The same process is afoot today in Afghanistan.

我们把伊拉克弄得一塌糊涂,It’,甚至在阿富汗也是一样。s been disastrous in Iraq, even in Afghanistan.

他是在阿富汗服役时被杀的。Tillman was killed while serving in Afghanistan.

阿富汗是本地区主要的毒品来源地。Afghanistan is a major drug source in this region.

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去年阿富汗加入了“中亚区域经济合作”组织和南亚区域合作联盟。Last year, Afghanistan joined the CAREC and SAARC.

如果美军撤离,阿富汗将会发生什么?What happens to Afghanistan if the U.S. withdraws?

阿为有中国这样的好邻居深感自豪。Afghanistan is proud of having such a good neighbor.