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什锦菜,河虾派,秋葵加肉片。Jambalaya , crawfish pie, fillet gumbo.

然后加入切碎的梭鲈和小龙虾。Here we add cut zanders and crawfish meet.

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什锦菜,小龙虾派,秋葵加肉片。Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo.

小龙虾在梁赞附近的小湖'城市,俄罗斯。Crawfish in the small lake near Ryazan' City, Russia.

洗完澡后,我们吃晚饭,不过别再做小龙虾饼了。And then after the shower, our dinner, but not crawfish pie again.

我们正在努力延长这种小龙虾的生长季节。"We are looking at trying to extend the crawfish season, " he said.

在Turkmenbashi港上15分钟就能装满小龙虾的容器。A can can be filled with crawfish for 15 minutes at the port in Turkmenbashi.

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有说小龙虾本身就是病菌的温床,有说是洗虾粉造成的。The initial report indicate it was lead to a cleaning powder used to clean the crawfish.

一些能游泳,就如,鱼,软体动物,甲壳动物,例如小龙虾。Some can swim, as, for instance, fishes, molluscs, and crustaceans , such as the crawfish.

路易斯安那州是美国虾、螃蟹、蛤蜊、小龙虾及短吻鳄最主要的产地。Louisiana is the nation's leading producer of shrimp, oysters, crabs, crawfish and alligators.

小龙虾季节在六月份左右结束之后,这些圈套就被拉出来,随后稻米季节开始了。When the crawfish season ends, around June, the traps are pulled out and the rice season begins.

晚饭吃了七道菜,包括一只大龙虾,夜里睡觉还要梦见挨饿,一定是非常可怕的。It must be awful to dream of starvation after a seven-course dinner including that enormous crawfish.

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研究了不同饵料配比条件下克氏原螯虾生长和抱卵的情况。It was studied that Red Swamp Crawfish growing and laying eggs fed with different forage prescription.

又小又浅的池塘里挤满了克氏螯虾,并被用于商业化的养殖。Small, shallow ponds have been stocked with red swamp crawfish and are managed for commercial production.

它们坚硬的外壳,叫做外骨骼,不会随着小龙虾的成长而生长,而会周期性蜕落。Their hard outer shell, called the exoskeleton, does not grow with the crawfish and is shed periodically.

论文主要对龙虾头中虾油的提取、精炼和氧化稳定性进行了研究。This paper studied the extraction, refining and antioxidation stability of crawfish oil from crawfish head.

在我池塘里的银龙鱼,它是大约10英寸长,他吃任何的东西,小鱼,喂鱼的鱼丸,甚至小龙虾。The koi fish in my pond, it is about 10 inches long, and he eats anything, small fish, pellets, even crawfish.

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两种小龙虾都天然出现在中大西洋地区,不过最近小龙虾的养殖在此地有所发展。Both species of crawfish occur naturally in the Mid-Atlantic region, but crawfish farming is a very recent development here.

克罗菲什争取一个微型足球在他们的坦克食品填补了海洋生物水族馆在柏林,2010年6月16日球。Crawfish fight for a miniature soccer ball filled with food in their tank at the Sea Life Aquarium in Berlin, June 16, 2010.

如果你买新鲜完整的小龙虾,一定要买活的。死的小龙虾会迅速腐败,肉质会变软、褪色。If you purchase whole, fresh crawfish, make sure they are alive. Dead crawfish decompose rapidly, resulting in mush, discolored meat.