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到处是一派繁荣楼盛的景象。Signs of exuberance are everywhere.

繁荣是可以自我延续的。And exuberance can be self-perpetuating.

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这片兴盛之下有几个原因。There are several reasons for this exuberance.

巴西队踢起球来带有感染力很强的激情。Brazilian teams play with a contagious exuberance.

他的生气蓬勃弥补了他在经验上的不足。His exuberance makes up for his lack of experience.

辉光的繁荣这些二双耳饰。Glow in the exuberance of these two pair of earrings.

这是一个快乐的色彩,唤起孩子般的繁荣。It is a cheerful color, evoking childlike exuberance.

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讲演者谈笑风生。使死气沉沉的会议顿添生气。The speaker's exuberance enlivened a boring conference.

另外一种荷尔蒙会产生相反的作用,会遏制繁荣。A second hormone has an opposite effect and damps exuberance.

其实这也是"繁荣"这个词所暗示的,这是心理学的专业术语That's what exuberance refers to-- it's a psychological term.

生活同时孕育充足与空虚,繁荣与萧条。Life breeds both plenitude and void, exuberance and depression.

看到她如此欣喜,真的是我收过最棒的生日礼物之一。Her exuberance was one of the best birthday gifts I ever received.

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精神上偏激引起了过多承担义务和孤立主义。Moral exuberance had inspired both overinvolvement and isolationism.

这痛苦使他在节日里兴高才烈的顾客面前显得有些畏缩。The pain of it made him recoil from the exuberance of holiday shoppers.

当这些文字在我手中流淌,就像今天一样,我会有种过度兴奋的感觉。When the words are flowing like they are today, I feel a sense of euphoric exuberance.

而对一些人来说,奎特隆先生则是上世纪90年代非理性繁荣时期过度行为的代表。Mr Quattrone, for some, embodies the excesses of the irrational exuberance of the 1990s.

另一只握着饲养员的手,摇着头紧跟着,象和孩子似的兴高采烈。Another grips the hands of her keeper and swings head over heels with childlike exuberance.

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在我们看来,中国房产市场确实有些活跃过度,但并未构成真正意义上的泡沫。In our view the property market is guilty of exuberance but does not yet constitute a true bubble.

所以当我把瑞典—美国—丹麦制造的卡车放进购物篮时,我身心都很愉快。So as I toss the Swiss-American-Danish truck into our basket, a feeling of exuberance washes over me.

伊贝沙坦与氨氯地平治疗肝阳上亢型高血压病的疗效分析。Curative effect analysis of irbe-sartan and amlodipine on liver Yang exuberance syn- drome hypertension.