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茉莉花散发出一种诱人的芳香。Jasmin gives forth a pleasant fragrance.

直到现在,简诗美品牌是你在市场上能够找到的最顶级、品质最好的有机护肤品牌。Until now, Jasmin is the highest quality organic skincare brand you can find in the market.

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我本人一直是简诗美护肤品的忠实客户,我大约在一年前开始用简诗美的产品。I am a loyal customer of Jasmin Skincare products. I started to use Jasmin about a year ago.

本文还评述了利用国内资源开发出符合香料、香精要求的茉莉家族化学品的可行性。The feasibility of the development of Jasmin chemicals by using domestic resources was evaluated.

从它在茉莉之家,艾斯库在格里姆斯比街的公司目前雇用11人的总部。From its headquarters at Jasmin House, Ayscough Street in Grimsby the company now employs 11 people.

在国际上成功的1997年德国电影土匪,暴露贾斯明塔巴塔巴伊了广泛的观众群。The internationally successful 1997 German film Bandits, exposed Jasmin Tabatabai to a larger audience.

精美干桃子和梨与杏子和茉莉属低音。肉豆蔻温和的口味在回味。Delicate dry peaches and pears with undertones of apricot and jasmin. A mild taste of nutmeg on the aftertaste.

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热诚欢迎国际照明公司OEM订样生产和经销我公司生产的“佳明”牌照明电子产品。OEM orders from international illuminating companies and sales of our JASMIN electronic products are warmly welcomed.

茉莉正在寻找业主谁将会有耐心和信心,教她所有的事情,她需要知道。Jasmin is looking for an owner who will have the patience and confidence to teach her all the things she needs to know.

贾斯明塔巴塔巴伊出生,居住在伊朗,直到1979年伊朗伊斯兰革命,而此时,她与她的母亲移居到德国。Jasmin Tabatabai was born and lived in Tehran until the 1979 Islamic Revolution, at which point she migrated with her mother to Germany.

我喜欢简诗美品牌的最重要原因就是它能带给你安全意识,因为我清楚的知道我在我自己孩子身上所涂抹的护肤成分不会带有任何潜在的有害化学物质,不会对他们的健康造成影响。What I like Jasmin the most is the sense of safety it provides. I know that what I rub on my children's body will not cause any potential harm for their health.