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丁香属植物二新栽培变种。Two new cultivated varieties of syringa linn.

您可以雇佣偌布·林遛狗和剪草坪。Robb Linn will walk your dog or cut your grass.

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目前血竭的生产主要是从龙血树中提炼而成。At present, it is mainly extracted from Dracaena draco linn.

秦林表示,他同意,进行制裁并没有带来改变。Zin Linn says he agrees the sanctions have not brought change.

法庭旁听将在12月5号的林恩郡青年法庭举行。A hearing is scheduled for Dec. 5 in Linn County juvenile court.

目的对欧地笋地上部分的化学成分进行研究。Aim To study the chemical constituents of the Aril of Lycopus europaeus Linn.

本文就丽水地区的悬钩子资源作了初步的调查。This paper reported the resources of Rubus Linn in Lishui district, Zhejiang.

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超声波强化有机溶剂提取万寿菊中叶黄素的研究。Study on Ultrasonic-assisted Solvent Extraction of Lutein from Tagetes eracta Linn.

目的综述宽叶缬草的化学成分与药理活性方面的研究进展。OBJECTIVE To review the general situation of the study on Valeriana officinalis Linn.

白榆优树表型测定的遗传学初步分析。Preliminary analysis on genetics of phenotype measuration of plus tree of Ulmus pumita Linn.

结果不同种金丝桃均显示了它们各自的指纹特征。Results The different plants from Hypericum Linn. showed different HPLC fingerprint spectrum.

目的为合理开发利用岩黄芪属植物资源提供。ObjectiveTo provide reference for rational exploiting and utilizing the plant of Hedysarum Linn.

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活血丹属植物的化学成分及药理研究进展。Chemical constituents and their pharmacological research progress in medicinal plants of Glechoma Linn.

明确了黄荆杀虫活性物质的提取条件和方法。Confirming the condition and method of extracting insecticidal active material from Vitex negundo Linn.

本研究结果为稠李的综合开发利用提供理论依据。This study provides theoretic basis for the multiple utilization and developments of Prunus padus Linn.

槐属植物生物碱化学成分及药理作用研究进展。Advances in studies on alkaloid constituents and their pharmacological effect in plants of Sophora Linn.

目的分析光果甘草叶的挥发性化学成分。Objective To analyse the chemical composition of volatile oils from the leaves of Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.

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说明凤仙花籽油在医药、保健品等领域具有广阔的开发应用前景。The study indicated that the Impatiens balsamina Linn seed oil had wide prospect in medicine, health food etc.

紫茉莉是一种生长快的多年生草本植物,有应用于铅污染土壤植物稳定的前景。Mirabilis jalapa Linn. is a fast growing plant, with the proven ability to stabilize Pb from contaminated soils.

黑龙江省的榛属有两个种即平榛与毛榛。There are two species in Corylus Linn of Heilongjiang Province, Corylus heterophlla Fisch and Corylus mandshurica Maxim.