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这辆跑车有一个可升起来的遮阳棚顶。The roadster had a raisable suo of.

梅赛德斯的F-cell是一款氢动力马车式双门敞篷汽车。Mercedes F-CELL is a concept hydrogen-powered buggy roadster.

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如今,这辆小跑车是我生命中真正的快乐。Today, that little roadster is one of the true joys of my life.

一样风之子五,该跑车是限量版,五年车型运行。Like the Zonda Cinque, the Roadster is a limited-edition, five-car model run.

这是一个豪华的性能跑车跑车弹射的一年2054年。It's a luxuriously performance roadster sports car ejection for the year 2054.

的370Z跑车具有相同的3.7升自然吸气式发动机的跑车。The 370Z Roadster has the same 3.7-litre naturally aspirated engine from the coupe.

和其它的电动力汽车相比,泰斯拉跑车是你会把它比喻成“热棒”的那种车。COMPARED with other electric vehicles, the Tesla Roadster is what you might call a hot rod.

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我们的间谍摄影师终结了第一批图像的V12华帝跑车周二稍早。Our spy photographers snapped the first pictures of the V12 Vantage Roadster earlier on Tuesday.

暗黑跑车兰博基尼在1995年出现的塔尔加固定在发动机盖屋顶。The Lamborghini Diablo Roadster appeared in 1995 with its targa roof anchored to the engine cover.

奔驰F-Cell是一款氢动力双座概念跑车,车身采用玻璃纤维和碳纤维制成。MercedesF-CELL is a concept hydrogen-powered buggy roadster. The body is fiberglass andcarbon fiber.

但是,类似Tesla跑车的电动跑车可以选择汽油模式,只是需要多花一些钱。But electric sports cars like the Tesla Roadster can give petrol-powered models a run for their money.

这个公司成立于七年前,并在2008年就开始销售它的纯电动特斯拉跑车。The company was founded seven years ago, and it started selling its all-electric Tesla Roadster in 2008.

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帕格尼风之子五的跑车是正式的意大利制造商的最新和最伟大的街道机。The Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster is officially the Italian manufacturer's latest and greatest street machine.

虽然价格高出入门级跑车很多,但与其他豪华跑车比起来,宝马Z4价格还是相对有竞争力的。While more expensive than entry-level roadsters, the BMW Z4 is relatively affordable among the luxury roadster set.

值得一提的是,F-CELL将奔驰汽车的所有顶尖技术集于一身。Additionally, the F-CELL Roadster is supposed tocontain all the technologies that top of the line Mercedes cars have.

在一个时代主导的折叠硬顶敞篷,我们高兴地看到新的跑车保留最简单的织物。In an era dominated by folding-hardtop convertibles , we are pleased to see the new roadster retain a simple fabric top.

通过对煤矿井下斜巷运输跑车事故原因的分析,提出预防措施。The preventive measure have been put forward, by analysing the reason of roadster accident in inclined alley conveyance.

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迈凯伦敞篷跑车的设计项目由意大利学生设计并已完成了其概念车的最后工作。McLaren Roadster as Design projects Italian Design students drew their conception of a McLaren Roadsters as termination work.

他经常把公司的车,以提高自己的竞争力,以保时捷911,和有竞争力的型号S与宝马5系列。He often likens the company's Roadster to being competitive with a Porsche 911, and the Model S competitive with the BMW 5-Series.

托尼·斯塔克车库里的其中一辆车是泰斯拉汽车公司出品的环保电动车,在电影还在制作之时,这款车还没有正式上市。One of the cars in Tony Stark's garage is an all-electric Tesla Roadster which at the time of the film's production, had not yet been released.