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她的态度是轻率的。Her attitude was reckless.

我后悔自己的卤莽。I regret that his own reckless.

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鲁莽的青春造成可怜的日子。Reckless youth makes rueful age.

在这里,我们更无所顾忌一些。Here, we have a more reckless attitude.

他对他们的鲁莽行为道了歉。He apologized for their reckless behavior.

但是你一定要谨慎行事,一定不要卤莽行动。But you need to be wary of reckless action.

乱开车甚至会送掉你的命。Reckless driving may lose you even your life.

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叫你傲慢无知的花花公子。For calling you an arrogant, reckless popinjay.

同时他也是一位轻率鲁莽而运气十足的冒险家。He was also a reckless adventurer who got lucky.

他开车鲁莽,引起了这场事故。His reckless driving accounted for the accident.

那个莽撞的驾车人在这次车祸中丧生。The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.

你从没叫过我傲慢无知的花花公子。You never called me an arrogant, reckless popinjay.

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弱小的势力比强大的势力有时更加热衷冒险。A weak power can be more reckless than a strong one.

批评者认为这是一个自我约束的鲁莽行为。Critics see it as a reckless act of self-constraint.

在我购物的时候,我经常有不顾一切和失控的感觉。I often feel reckless and out of control when I shop.

这场事故是鲁莽驾驶的结果。The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.

采取一些措施对付卤莽驾驶。Some measures are taken to prevent the reckless drive.

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我怎么可能会对将死之人鲁莽行事呢?How can I be reckless with someone who is about to die?

两个孩子被鲁莽的司机撞死。RECKLESS】Two children were killed by a reckless driver.

内讧的议员斥责他的提案不顾后果。The rebel lawmakers denounced his proposal as reckless.