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他穿着一套蓝色哔叽西服。He wore a blue serge suit.

哔叽是从法国辉煌的自由职业插画家。Serge is a brilliant freelance illustrator from France.

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我们希望早日收到您的哔叽订单。We hope to have your further order for serge at an early date.

马克是一位高学历的无神论者,也是塞尔吉的良师益友。Marc is a highly educated skeptic, who was once a mentor to Serge.

斯吉?科布沙坐在后面,他将是第二位助教Serge Kobsa is in the back and he'll be the second teaching fellow.

Serge说他的艺术品是“相交的文字和空间”。Serge said his artwork was “all about the intersection of text and space.”

最后只剩下谢尔盖、我和狗—他妻子已经在长沙发上睡着了。Serge and I are left with the dogs – his wife has fallen asleep on the couch.

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工作室的主人甚至找了一位演员朋友在展览期间扮演Serge。The studio owner even enlisted an actor friend to play Serge during the show.

坦格伍德的存在主要依赖于塞季?古瑟维特斯基,他出生在俄罗斯。Tanglewood exists mainly because of Serge Koussevitsky, who was born in Russia.

昨天塞尔日·维亚尔退出该队令法国人又遭遇了一记重击。The French were dealt another blow yesterday when Serge Viars withdrew from the squad.

然后Serge说,“如果你能看透这些构造,你将会以一种全新的目光看待这个世界。”Then Serge said, “If you look through these frames, you’ll see the world differently.”

你为什么不去买一条漂亮的哔叽裙子来穿呢?Why don't you get yourself one of those nice serge skirts they're selling at Lord & Taylor's?

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壁厢里有人住时,他总把一方大哗叽帷布拉开,遮住神座。When the alcove was in use, a large serge curtain drawn from wall to wall concealed the altar.

他听到的大部分都是反对这个程序,最激烈的是来保特及雷拉尔。He mostly heard objections to the procedure, notably from Ginette Raimbault and Serge Leclaire.

起诉书还提到法国公民沃罗斯。他被指控和慕可舜配合。The indictment also named a french citizen , maurice serge voros , who allegedly worked with moo.

因此,史特劳斯改用一种质地较柔软的法国布料,叫做“尼姆制的斜纹布”,也就是后来所说的丹宁布。So Strauss used a softer cotton cloth from France called serge de Nimes, which became known as denim.

这位美国籍海地人住在南佛罗里达州,是一名事业成功的工程承包商。One of these émigrés is Serge Jean-Louis, a thriving Haitian-American construction contractor in South Florida.

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再次检查证实两匹毛哔叽错放在箱子里当作直贡呢。Another checkup reveals that two pieces of woolen serge were misplaced in the case instead of the Venetian cloth.

本公司常年使用大量哔叽布,如贵公司提供的产品质量合乎要求,我司可大量订购。I use a large quantity of serge during the year, and can give you considerable order if your quality is suitable.

我会发布更多文章和成绩单的塞尔日将连结到这个页面在不久的将来。I'll be posting more articles and transcripts by Serge which will be linked to this page in the very near future.