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好几家公司提出希望重版他的小说。Several firms offered to obtain republication of his novel.

版权所有,非经同意请勿任意转载或复制。No reproduction or republication without written permission.

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这位诗人最新作品的再版毋庸置疑地会提高他在国内的声望。The republication of the poet's most recent works will certainly enhance his national reputation.

本规定所称登载新闻,是指通过互联网发布和转载新闻。For the purposes of these Provisions, "news publication" shall mean the release and republication of news on the internet.

任何复印、分发或复制本网站之资料,以作商业用途,均绝对禁止。Any copying, redistribution or republication of the information available on this Website for commercial gain is strictly prohibited.

建国后“十七年”的红色文艺作品在发表后不久,大多有着修改后再版的经历。Most of the Red Memory Literary works published in "the seventeen years" after liberation have experienced republication after being revised.

1957年修改这部小说是由于受到频繁的政治运动的冲击。In 1957, the political movements exerted influence on Lao She's thinking, which stimulated his drastic revision to the novel and the republication.

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据初步统计,包括海外市场在内,该套图书已经售出约6000套,即将重版。According to preliminary count, include overseas market inside, this books already made an appointment with 6000 via work off, be about to republication.

知情权的充分实现需要政府信息公开的配合,许多发达国家都制定了信息公开的法律制度。The realization of the right to know is need for building republication systems of the basic rights and making a law of publication of government affairs.

事先未经路透社书面许可,路透社报道的再版或再发行应被明确禁止,包括通过编辑或者相似的方法。Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.

中国当下的文化批评实际上是对文学艺术所作的一种非文学形态的研究和评论,是社会历史批评的翻版。In fact, the present cultural criticism of China is a kind of unliterary research and critique about literature and art. It is a republication of social historical criticism.

拷贝,出版或者散布AFX新闻内容,包括修改或者类似的方式,如果没有AFX的授权,都是禁止的。The copying, republication or redistribution of AFX News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of AFX News.

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目前绝大多数高校的多媒体课堂教学只是传统教学的数字翻版,根本没有充发挥其巨大优势。At present, multimedia classroom teaching is only the digital republication of traditional teaching in most of universities, and there is no charge to play its great advantage.